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I’d expected silence to suddenly blanket our conversation after I’d run through my life’s story. I expected some level of yet again, emotional back and forths between Vir and I, as we had done before so many times. Yet that never came. What instead happened was unexpected, yet simple and honestly, something that I didn’t know I even needed. I felt a foreign pressure on my shoulder, the presence of a hand coming down upon it and gently squeezing it.

“You know Lysara. You may be a bad Vanaran, but I’d say you make a pretty darn good human.” The AI spoke with a certainty and an amicability I hadn’t yet heard. “And I mean that as the highest compliment I can give you.”

I nodded curtly at that, as Vir seemed to have taken it as a sign to continue. “It’s difficult for me to really say this, I feel like it’s a bit sacrilegious to do so given the baggage I have with the Enduring Justice, but I’m gonna spit it out regardless. Lysara, the feeling’s mutual. I’ve never felt as alive as I am now, than I’ve ever been before. There’s something about all of this that’s just so liberating. But, that’s beside the point. I honestly, and sincerely, like, seriously appreciate everything you’ve shared with me. I know it must be difficult, heck, I thought human social constructs were difficult, Vanarans seemed to have taken it to a whole other level.” Vir chuckled lightly.

“There’s a lot to unpack here. But, I want to do it without the bells and whistles that comes with being an AI. I could just as easily process through all of this quickly through my newfound processing power. But, I reserve that for combat and ship-based duties, not this. This… I want to take in, not as a ship overseer, or AI advisor, but as a friend. And I… this…” The AI seemed genuinely, emotionally conflicted, as he took a moment to gather himself clearly adamant on using whatever systems he had dedicated to this interaction, his grip still tight against my shoulder.

“I’m sorry you had to go through all of that. I know that’s probably not the best way I could’ve phrased that, or that it may even sound like something of a cop out or an empty platitude. But, I mean it in every way I could possibly mean it. You deserved a better life. You deserve to just be you. And, I know this is kind of fucked up to say but, but maybe now that all of that’s behind you…” The AI gestured throughout the room, and the rest of the ship in a grand sweeping gesture. “Maybe this could be the start to something new? I know this isn’t the most idyllic of places or circumstances for it, and I know this might sound egocentric of me to say… but at least in some weird way, maybe that new life could start off here? With me by your side?” A sullen chuckle emerged from the AI’s faceplate as I could only smile softly in response.

Perhaps only a handful of times in my hundreds of thousands of years of existence have I ever had such a genuine desire for friendship. For perhaps one of the few times, another being looked at me, right in the eyes, and was unbothered by the social trappings of Vanaran society. For the very first time, perhaps since Elijah’s interactions, I felt something indescribable welling within me. A desire to outstretch a hand in genuine camaraderie and friendship.

A desire to bridge the gap for the first time in a long time.

“Yeah… yeah!” I managed out. “I think… I think I’d like that Vir.” I reached my own arm out, placing my hand on the AI’s shoulder. “I think I will take you up on that offer.” A smile had fully formed on the edges of my lips as I let out a genuine chuckle.

“I think I’d like that a lot, Vir.”

I… I know I sometimes must seem cold, distant, inattentive even. But that’s just how I was taught to carry myself. But just know that, if any other Vanaran were to even witness me as I am right now? They’d see a Vanaran that has gone off the deep end.”


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