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Alex had always been a dear friend. A human friend, sure, but a friend nonetheless. Whilst most see humans as these nigh-untouchable beings of benevolence and might, I see past that. Perhaps it’s just because of my human’s own unique eccentricities. Or perhaps even, it’s something beyond that. Perhaps he’s somehow inadvertently pack-bonded to me. Or perhaps, it’s just because I was special?

Though that didn’t make sense. How was I, some run of the mill dockworker, anywhere near capable of entertaining the humans who seemed to have it all, and who seemed to know the answers to everything?

They had ended our wars for us. Driven off the (), sheltered us from the great cosmic storms, slayed the great stellar drakes, and even brought unto us gifts of food, shelter, and abundance. They were sometimes beings of pure light, emanating from the heavens above. Yet antithetical, in the case of Alex, they were also beings of flesh and blood, capable of bleeding and dying as we are.

The humans were ultimately an enigma. Yet I had begun to decipher their ways when we had previously assumed there had been nothing of the sort.

It was on this day, as was the end of the lunar cycle that I was preordained to meet with Alex atop of an unassuming hill amidst a relatively dense forest of uncleared parkland. There were no beasts or creatures of venom or toxins here. The humans had even cleared those out for us centuries ago, or so the tales of the Great Mothers had told us.

Regardless, I stand heree now, my eyes gazing upon the heavens as a beam of light shone from above, manifesting the human I knew and admired, my legs faltering as I resisted the urge to kneel and bow my head low. That wasn’t the human way, and Alex had reminded me of that time and time again.

Instead, I approached the human, an arm outstretched as he reciprocated and tugged my forward into a deep and tight embrace.

“My Garnarn friend! It’s been years!”

“Well erm, it’s only been another lunar cycle s-, Alex.”

“Hah! Yes yes, a lunar cycle on your timeline, a year in mine’s, you know how these things go! They forced me into another overclock cycle in the fucking ministry, so it’s been a good year or two for me. You know how it is, we’re still pushing the Varnians back where they came from, and that requires a good load of overclocked brain cycles, but hey, that’s neither here nor there! It’s my vacation day! So let’s get this show on the road shall we?”

“Yes Ser Alex.” I stopped, realizing my faux pas as the human seemed to frown deeply at me.

“I told you, no honorifics. I know my superiors has a weird hands off approach to interacting with you lot, and it often comes off as really, really haughtier, hoity-toity, and extremely patronizing. I didn’t sign up to have humanity become space-elves, but that’s where tonight comes in.” The human grinned as he seemed to apparate a strange device out of thin air, suspending it in mid-air above his palm.

“And yet you prove to us, again and again that your magics-”

“God damnit Tanel, I keep telling you it’s not magic! Your people are on the cusp of the industrial revolution are they not? Come on now.”

“Yes yes, Alex. You have informed me multiple times over. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. However that mantra can only do so much when you refuse to explain how these technologies work.”

“Ugh. That’s why I’m not part of the Active Isolationist camp. But they’re currently the ruling party and that’s what the consensus says so I have to abide by the Greater Will and yadda yadda yadda, whatever.”


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