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Hey everyone! Here is the Work in Progress for Chapter 94 I hope you guys enjoy! :D

The Transgracian Academy for the Magical Arts. Dragon’s Heart Tower, Level 23, Residence 30. Emma and Thacea’s dorm. Local Time: 1545 Hours.


The battle lines were now drawn, and our pieces tentatively placed. 

Though far from complete, and more the product of overeager restlessness stemming from the highs of our recent victories, our goals had become clearer; our paths now better defined. 

Or at least, marginally so, given we now had a sense of direction with some of our campaigns. 

Our primary quest remained the same — survive the academy, at any cost. 

Though this was easier said than done, and subject to the whims of outside forces and parties both known and enigmatic. 

Dramatics aside, there was little we could do to actually prepare for the Academy, for all our preparation had already been done for us in the form of the schedules and timetables. It was the element of the unexpected that truly worried me however; Auris’ unprovoked assault being an exemplary example of the titular ‘unexpected’. 

As a result, it was our side-quests that had taken more form. As unlike our primary questline, our optional side-quests were ours to dictate, and our responsibility alone. The recent string of successes in the form of our most recent discoveries, to our most recent gains, solidified that notion; giving us the prerequisites we needed to push forward with the completion of our goals. 

The discovery of Mal’tory’s notebook, was a step forward, if not the first major step, towards completing the library’s questline; a matter which bound both Emma and Ilunor’s fates. 

The lump sum gained from the Vunerian’s wager, would allow us the ability to extend our reach into the vast unknowns of the Nexus, in search for this amethyst dragon.

The results of which would undoubtedly allow for Emma’s clandestine operations to truly begin, and a new stage in our peer group’s dynamics to truly take shape.

Whilst limited in its capacity to relay information, given the newrealmer’s limited understanding of transplanar communication and the inherent limitations of the crystal when utilized in this… unconventional setup, the fact remained that so long as it was Emma that was communicating, and so long as Emma remained the de-facto representative of Earthrealm… we would at least stand a chance at breaking from the insipid constance that was Status Eternia.

For each hour that passes, and each moment that we grow closer, so too does Havenbrock’s chances at forming something of a tangible alliance grow with it.

If Emma fails to contact Earthrealm, if spirits and ancestors forbid… she somehow fails and is replaced or entirely excommunicated… all hopes at forming something tangible will be lost with it.

Moreover, all hopes of Emma’s mission succeeding would be completely expunged. 

That was something I could not allow, not from a utilitarian, nor from a moral and ethical perspective, and most especially not as her friend. 

This was more than a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity, this went far beyond a ‘generational event’... this was a paradigm shift with which I had the capability of not just influencing, but outright facilitating. 

Perhaps it was my foolishness, my brazenness, or even my own shortcomings… but when life presents an opportunity never before seen, and not at all comparable to any event in history… then I would be a fool not to take that leap of faith.

After all, Havenbrock wouldn’t be what it currently is if we hadn’t seized the opportunity.

So it stands to reason that there was precedence for my ultimate goals, and the actions I was willing to take to reach those ends.

As it stood now however, the planning had more or less been put on hold following Emma’s inexplicable departure for her tent. 

Though it’d been a solid few hours since her sudden departure…

“Do you think she’s dead?” The Vunerian announced abruptly, completely out of nowhere, prompting Thacea’s furious scribbling to halt in her tracks. 

“What in the wide expanse of the Nexus, has possessed you to say that?!” I questioned with a firm growl, scooting up from my slouch towards the Vunerian who seemed entirely unbothered by my outcry. He remained supine atop of ‘his’ fainting couch, his head propped up by a pillow, and his arm lazily reaching towards a small tower of jellied treats.

“Well it’s just she has been gone for a while now.” The Vunerian responded with a dismissive shrug. “Long enough that the kitchen was able to provide us with refreshments… I mean… she did say she would only ‘be a moment’.” He added, putting up a frustratingly ‘innocent’ front.

“If you haven’t something constructive to say, then don’t say anything at all, Ilunor.” I growled back in annoyance. 

“I was merely being facetious, Thalmin.” The blue thing finally ‘surrendered’, feigning the motion by raising both of his hands above his chest, momentarily halting the otherwise uninterrupted flow of food from tray-to-mouth.

In any case—” Thacea chimed in, providing an off-ramp to the Vunerian’s attempt at distasteful humor. “—perhaps we should refocus our attention back towards something a bit more productive?”

“What is there left to discuss, princess?” Ilunor offered with a sigh. “The plan is simple, no?”

“The plan requires some finessing, Ilunor.” Thacea shot back, before revealing the scribbles on her notebook, revealing the schedule she’d mapped out for us. “First of all, we need to rise first thing in the morning, to beat the crowds of students into town such that we may indulge in having first and unmonitored rights on the great many items for purchase from within the ambassadorial and crown-patronage district.” 

“Reservations on early rising aside… you make an excellent point, princess.” Ilunor spoke through a toothy grin. “For this will allow us to sample the local delights of Elaseer! Oh how the town provides a veritable cornucopia worth of choices through which the culinarily inclined amongst us may revel in—”

“Of course food is on your mind, even when discussing matters of grave importance.” I muttered out, interrupting the Vunerian with a frustrated sigh.

“Ilunor has a point, Thalmin.” Thacea unexpectedly interjected, prompting the both of us to widen our eyes at her critical gaze. 

“Go on, princess?” I offered.

“Our journey through the town’s great many delights within the ambassadorial district isn’t merely one of self-indulgence… for it is here where we will acquire a great many weapons with which the war of words shall be waged. For as much as the artifices of commerce may be powered through the power of coin, so too is it accelerated by the rhythms of philanthropy.”

“Gift giving.” Ilunor surmised with a cock of his head. 

“Are you unaccustomed to the practice, Lord Rularia?” The princess shot back.

“Hardly.” The Vunerian replied with an indignant huff. “Though I scarcely see why we would need to entertain commoners with such time-consuming endeavors. They scarcely deserve our attention as is.”