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95 Hours After the First Round of Interloper Interrogations. UNAFS Perseverance. Bridge.


Not a fraction of a second after my visual sensors laid eyes on that felinor, was I able to determine the likeness and probability of its relations to Eslan. 

Following that, in anticipation of Eslan’s reactions, I’d begun allocating a reasonable amount of processing power to ensure that I would have the sufficient emotional and logical bandwidth through which to handle the ensuing fallout of this revelation.

There was a split second in which I could completely sidestep this however; a critical few milliseconds through which I could’ve just cut the feed.

It would be a bold-faced lie to say I did not consider the option of keeping the most recent developments of the bunker away from the felinor.

It would also be a bold faced lie to say that this consideration wasn’t at the bottom of my list of parsed scenarios however.

Because despite it being an immediate rectifier of the whole situation, and despite it being the ‘easy’ way out, it just wasn’t the right way out.

At least, not for me.

This all boiled down to transparency, and a necessity to ensure not just crew cohesion, but a capacity to stick to one’s guns.

Ethics, morality, whatever you wanted to call it; this was a test of that.

And I wasn’t about to play by the rulebooks that had ruined so many countless others.

A withholding of information was the first step towards not just tyranny, but a complete breakdown in trust and the formation of an unsustainable and untenable social dynamic. It was an unnecessary decision that instead of dressing the wound, simply kicked the can down towards an uncertain future. A future in which the divulgence of such information would simply become that much more difficult.

Because if not now, then when?

Would there even be an ‘appropriate time’? 

It was better to pull the band-aid off now.

And given Eslan’s past, and given the sheer glut of information not only withheld from him, but seemingly absent from his own mind… this free flow of information was perhaps the best way to get these mysteries resolved right here, and right now.

The moments between the ground team’s reaction and their subsequent responses to these unexpected developments, was spent carefully monitoring Eslan’s reactions.


95 Hours After the First Round of Interloper Interrogations. Signal Station. Administration Wing. Bunker HQ.


I wanted to scream.

No, I wanted to do more than that.

I wanted to rip my own fur out and strangle whoever or whatever it was that was responsible for… for all of this.

It took everything in me, every form of emotional control from across every iteration, to keep my cool.

And so when Vir’s question came through… 

“Suggestions, team?” 

I had only one thing in mind.

“You handle the cyber-beast. I’ll handle Addie.” I responded simply, Vir and Lysara melting into the backdrop of my mind, as my attention turned entirely to the slippery AI. “Addie.” I began, taking a deep breath in order to keep myself together. “What the hell is that?” I pointed to the tablet displaying a live feed of the cyber beast and… 

… the Eslan look-alike.


“If you dare hold back on even an ounce of information, I won’t just leave this place, I will tear it down piece by piece and render the very stone you’re encased within to pure molten lava. I will destroy your future, I will track down every other facility, and I will erase whatever progress you think you’ve made up to this point. I will keep you alive throughout all of it, and I will make sure you exist in perpetual limbo witnessing the world around you decaying into the dirt without you being able to carry out any of your directives.” I spoke without a hint of remorse or empathy, tapping into every dark corner of my mind and every prior iteration’s mind, as I was this close to losing it.

The whirring of the computer fans reached their peak as I could hear the bearings of several fans loosening at these speeds.

It took a moment before ‘Addie’ responded.

And judging by the ‘shakiness’ of its voice, I could tell my little outburst had some sort of an effect on it. “What you see down below, is as I stated before, the result of the overarching necessity for a control group in this great experiment. The particular subject you see before you, is simply the most recent subject of the current generation.” It began, causing my fur to stand up on edge as it referred to what was effectively Eslan, in clinical and obtuse terms that did nothing but to further incite my seething rage. 

This current generation?” I snapped back, trying to at least keep on track.

“There have been multiple generations worth of control group subjects, yes.” ‘Addie’ replied, its voice struggling to get those words out, as if these revelations were as difficult for it as it was for me to come to grips with. “A near-perfect clone that has been replicated over the course of this facility’s operations.”

Multiple generations of Eslans… locked up for some messed up experiment. 

I was about ready to explode right about then. 

“And exactly what is he? A control group test subject, yeah, sure. But what was his purpose? Why’d you create him? Exactly what sort of experiment were you cooking up down there? Why are there multiple of him?” I finally reached my boiling point, causing the AI to go silent. 

This time however, the seconds of silence was reason enough for Lysara to finally step in. 

“The regimented lifestyle, the hints of repetitive tasks being strictly adhered to—” Lysara suddenly interjected, pointing at several peculiar points in the lower facility the drones had passed on their way in. “—all of that is part of minimizing variables for your control, isn’t it?” 

“That is correct.” Addie replied. 

That question and answer came literally out of nowhere, as I struggled to grapple whatever it was that was on Lysara’s mind.

That was, until it clicked.

And my whole world came crumbling down around me.

“So if you were locking up Eslans down below as a control group, that means there has to be a… an intervention, variable, whatever other experimental group you’re trying to compare the results against. Is that… is that what I am?” I asked bluntly, my mind running at a million kilometers per hour as I struggled to grapple with everything. 

“That is correct, Evina. And with your arrival, comes the completion of the datasets, and the conclusion of this experiment as I understand it.” 

“I’m assuming this whole experiment is about inheritance, then.” Lysara clarified, putting his hypothesis on the table, and bringing my disordered thoughts into words. “The long-term, multi-generational viability of this novel neurological phenomenon, in a real world setting.” The alien continued, boiling everything down to their simplest components. “Comparing a control group with minimal deviations to memory-formation, to an intervention group with an almost infinite potential for the formation of novel memories as a result of their varying life experiences.” 

The latent server that had just been activated revved up hard at Lysara’s gambit, as computer fans were now accompanied by the ‘tick tick ticks’ of severely degraded hard drives. 

“That is correct.” The AI responded, matching the curtness and bluntness of Lysara’s questions, but with a distinctly artificial distortion to its voice. 

“So what happens next? How are you planning to extract and analyze the data from the intervention group?” Lysara continued, pressing forward and getting right to the point.

“A combination of social interaction and non-invasive brain scans. Passive-inferential data-collection, and active-objective data collection respectively.” It stated bluntly, more and more of its personality taking a backseat, the more we dug deeper into the underlying directives behind the veil. 

“And what happens to the Eslan down below?” I finally managed out, my eyes glued to the live feeds from Vir’s drones. 

“That is the prerogative of the control group facility’s administrator.”


95 Hours After the First Round of Interloper Interrogations. Signal Station. Administration Wing. Hidden Facility.


“Step away from the boy.” I spoke in no uncertain terms, as I understood well, what was about to happen.

I didn’t need a full psych eval of the AI to understand its intent. Heck, it’d even blatantly hinted at it throughout our interactions.

For what purpose, interloper?” It responded, the irony of the word choice in question would’ve been humorous if not for the dark context of the standoff we both found ourselves in.

“This is no longer a discussion, if I needed to make that clear.” I felt the tension as I took control of several of the drones myself, arming and aiming the on-board weapons at the cyber-beast. “Step away from the boy, and hand him over to my custody.” 

There is no future for this boy, interloper. He knows, as well as I, that there exists no path towards his continued existence. For if your claims are correct, and the chosen one has indeed arrived, then there is no future for the boy now that this experiment has run its course. However, even if your claims are false, there is likewise no future for the boy considering the irreparable damage you have inflicted on his memories.” It stated bluntly, as my attention now turned towards Eslan-secondary. 

“You don’t wanna die, do you, kid? I asked with a kinder, less aggressive tone of voice, trying my best to convey my intent to the boy. 

The boy refused to respond, at least not verbally, because despite the conditioning clearly done here… his eyes still said it all.

He wanted out. 

“You’ve failed more than once before.” I addressed the cyber-beast again. “If it isn’t obvious already, I’d say this whole experiment has already gone belly-up. You’ve lost more than one test subject over the years.” I paused, allowing that information to sink in, even as the cyber-beast refused to acknowledge any of it. “And I know you aren’t just going to partition and forget your failures in the same way as your brother. These failures are relevant to your directives, after all. So I know you’re more than aware of the sheer number of escapees over the years.” I had one of the drones display the evidence via hologram, from the scratch marks on the front door of the bunker, to the refitted door in the front of this secret facility. “So considering all of the breakouts, escapes, and failures on your part… What's another test subject on that roster, hmm? What’s the harm in letting another one go?”

I knew I didn’t need to keep pressing for the AI’s surrender in this whole situation. 

There was no practical reason for me to play hostage negotiator right now. 

Indeed, there was a near certainty I could execute this whole impromptu rescue operation off flawlessly using sheer and overwhelming coordinated force. 

However, my concern wasn’t with the cyberbeast’s welfare. 

It was instead all focused on Eslan-secondary’s. 

The kid has clearly gone through so much already.

I didn’t want to add to another on the long list of pain he had to go through.

Beyond that, however, there was still the question of Eslan’s particular situation that needed to be resolved. Everything about his particular condition, from his anomalous constructed memories, through to his physiological quirks — still needed to be answered. 

And I’d rather have the information given through a coherent AI, than forcibly through a potentially long and grueling information recovery process.

“So what’s it gonna be?” I reiterated. “What’s your final answer?”  

The AI paused for a good long moment, as if pondering what was to come next. 

It attempted to move its hand, but only managed a barely visible flinch before a quick ‘chirp’ from one of my drones alerted it to both my reaction time, and my ability to react accordingly. 

“Don’t even try it.” I spoke up menacingly.


Rohn Carver

all in all the way the actual interloper set everything up and how it was going to progress and possible variations; and on how it might do it's artificial Reincarnation with the passing of knowledge from one generation to the next being there but not at the forefront. in a similar fashion to how some native american and I believe Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism. There is also the real world equivalent to genetic memory like how severe traumatic and physically taxing events an alter the way a body functions going so for as to make a genetic marker for it for the next generation.