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Hey everyone! Here is the Work in Progress for Chapter 88 I hope you guys enjoy! :D

The Transgracian Academy for the Magical Arts. The Hall of Miracles. Local Time: 2000


The Grand Concourse of Learning was, for the first time this week, not our destination. 

In fact, following breakfast, we’d made our way straight past its large expansive spaces, out and through several open-air hallways, and towards what was effectively the exact opposite direction of Sorecar’s workshop.

This was an area of the Academy that the EVI had yet to map, which prompted the virtual intelligence to go into overdrive now as we were inundated with sights, sounds, and a myriad of architectural splendors that really put me in mind of one very specific aesthetic — Victorian Gymnasiums.

The whole structure looked like a cross between a Victorian era train station and greenhouse, and if I were to squint my eyes, I could honestly see a vague resemblance between it and the original Crystal Palace. 

Indeed, as we made our way out of the Academy’s main castle, we found ourselves face to face with a building with an architectural style completely separate and distinct from anything else we’d seen thus far.

Because instead of more cobblestone and deep slate, we were instead treated to tons and tons of wrought iron and steel, forged and curved into anything and everything from grand columns to ornate struts, all of which criss-crossed and encased a structure composed mostly out of stained glass. The latter contained not just cool geometric designs or neat patterns, but instead, depicted intricately detailed landscapes, characters, and even animals; all perfectly preserved within its crystalline form. 

Some of the scenes were about what you’d expect, from knights on horseback in jousting competitions, to wizards locked in battle with dragons and cthulian eye-monsters. Though quite a few were much more unique than that, displaying what I could only imagine as magical sports that ranged from flying competitions with wizards soaring through the clouds, to what appeared to be martial arts involving specific ‘elements’ ranging from earth to steel to fire and water. 

However, the closer I got, the more I realized that the seemingly static figures depicted within the glass were in fact… moving. Slowly, sure, as if stricken with a terminal case of cinematic slow-mo like something out of a TR Lorian film, but it was movement all the same. The reasons behind which, if not obvious enough, were made all the more clear by the blaring of several continuous mana radiation warnings. 

Though it quickly became clear to me that not everyone shared the same enthusiasm for this aesthetically pleasing structure, as I turned back to see close to a hundred souls more focused on trying to find a sense of direction and our missing teacher. 

Much to everyone’s annoyance however, there was neither to be found. 

Which prompted a slow, but expected, gradual climb of incessant bickering between the student body.

That was, until Qiv Ratom finally brought some semblance of order, pointing towards a poster conveniently pinned onto a little bulletin board next to one of the massive structure’s entrances. 

The gorn-like lizard stepped up to the plate, reaching for the loose poster. However, just as quickly as he’d taken initiative did he immediately pull back. It took me a moment to figure out why, but when I saw it… I could kinda see why he’d leaped back. 

The poster began expanding, as if unrolling from an infinite stack of papers, until finally, it reformed itself in the form of what I could only describe as an origami-Chiska. 

“All students are to enter through this door and follow the rules of the Grand Gymnasium written within!” The origami-Chiska spoke, her voice somehow coming through to the tune of both mana radiation warnings and the crumpling of paper. “I will grant you thirty minutes to be acquainted with the rules, after which, I expect to see you in the gymnasium’s main hall! Remember, physical education is as much about exercising personal initiative, as it is about exercising your mortal forms!” 

Not a moment following the speech did the origami-Chiska unfold back into the little bulletin board, after which, all text that was previously written on it slowly faded into nothing.

I took a few moments to regard that whole… scene, all the while Qiv once more stepped back up to the front of the crowd, regaining his composure and promptly following those instructions to a T. 

“You heard the professor! It would seem as if today’s lessons come in the form of a gauntlet of challenges. Let us prove to the professor that we are worthy of our titles as pupils of the Transgracian Academy, lest we wallow in indecision.” He gestured towards the entrance, taking the initiative, and entering first.

The whole class followed suit like a pack of lemmings, entering what looked and felt like a cross between a massive train terminal concourse, and a souped-up ultra-luxe changing room.

It was the latter observation however that would quickly prove to hold more weight than I’d initially thought, as the whole class, at Qiv’s prompting, was drawn to a massive wooden board. On which were rules written in High Nexian, all of which were translated to English in the blink of an eye courtesy of the EVI.

The rules were… obviously, catered towards the magical arts. Many of which seemed oddly specific. With things ranging from SPORTSMANSHIP IS KEY: NO DRAINING OF THE AMBIENT MANA AROUND YOUR OPPONENT to things like NO ASTRAL PROJECTION

And whilst my attention was almost entirely drawn to the weirder rules, it seemed as if there was one, easily overlooked rule, that caught the eye of the entire year group.

“And so the Academy wishes to humiliate us once more.” Ilunor spoke under a hushed breath.

“Wait what?” I cocked my head, prompting the Vunerian to point and highlight one of the rules hidden within a long laundry list of many others.


“Okay.” I shrugged. “What’s so humiliating about that?” I offered, turning to Thalmin who seemed to share the exact same sentiment with a burst of mana radiation; instantaneously swapping out the ceremonial armor getup he usually wore for what I could only describe as an outfit analogous to that of full body athletic wear. One that covered him from neck to toe, and from shoulder to wrist, in a fabric that resembled a strange cross between modern lycra, and the padding of a fencing kit. 

This whole change had occurred so quickly, that I had to do a double take. As what I saw was literally a jump and a mid-air spin, akin to what you’d see in The Life Simulation games. 

Though despite this insanely convenient stunt, others however, strangely enough, didn’t seem to follow suit. With the exception of Thacea, Ilunor, Qiv and his gang, and a few others, there seemed to be a particular lack of instantaneous outfit changes amongst the crowd.

“What’s humiliating is the fact that there was no forewarning of this.” Ilunor noted, stepping towards me in an outfit that I could only describe as a polo player’s outfit, complete with leather riding gloves and a cap to boot. “Thankfully, it would seem as if everyone in our peer group knows the unique and practical skill of instantaneous dressage, with a catalog of outfits readily accessible. So, whilst we are immune to the humiliation, the rest… do not seem so fortunate you could say.” Ilunor gestured towards the crowd that, at this point, seemed to be at a complete loss for action.

Many of them opted to snap their fingers in lieu of magically swapping clothes. Though this resulted in little but confused looks, and frustrated huffs.

“Where are my familiars?!”

“Where are my attendants?"



Oh god some of theses people are so rich they cant even dress themselves.


*original* crystal palace you saying they finally rebuilt it!