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Hey everyone! Here is the Work in Progress for Chapter 85 I hope you guys enjoy! :D

“Though… calling it Potions would be underselling what is ostensibly one of the greatest fields you will ever have the privilege of studying.” The red-robed professor promptly added with a warm, almost granny-like smile, as she moved away from the dismembered carcass of a plant and closer towards us. “What was it again that they call it now? Potions theory, Potions crafting, and Healing magic?”

That question hung in the air, as if the class was expecting it to be rhetorical in nature.

“You have arms to raise and brains to think with, I would imagine. Or am I perhaps in the audience of a particularly well-crafted crowd of illusions?” Professor Belnor added with a raspy laugh, prompting Qiv and several others to raise their hands following that. “Lord Esila?” 

“I believe it is indeed referred to as three separate classes now, Professor Belnor.” The ferret managed out perfectly and without a hint of a stutter.

“Mmhmm! Indeed it is. And why do you think that is, dear?”

“Because Potions is an understated field, Professor. Because beneath its unassuming namesake, is a field that acts as the lifeblood for contemporary society. Potions isn’t merely about the concoction of brews and mystery spirits…  It's about the concentration, distillation, and reforging of mana into physical forms; be it liquid or gaseous. It is, by many interpretations, the field through which a thousand other fields are birthed from.” 

“Marvelous, Lord Esila! Well-put!” Professor Belnor shouted ecstaticaly, clapping her hands in rapid succession, urging the entire room to follow her example. “Five points! Five points to Lord Esila for his spot-on analysis!” 

This was perhaps the first time the ferret-like Etholin was receiving any form of praise.

And I was definitely here for it. 

His shy and meek nature however, prompted him to take the praise with the demeanor of an introvert, as he slinked back chair after several rounds of sharp bows.

The uproarious applause ended with yet more urgings from the professor, as she magically teleported in a stool to sit on, taking a sigh of relief in the process. “To elaborate on Lord Esila’s points, unless you’re from a particularly backwater region in a fledgling newrealm, the field of potions has long since left its humble beginnings of swirling cauldrons of eye-of-newt and tongue-of-griffins. Nowadays, when we talk of potions, we talk primarily of its application as an extractor, consolidator, concentrator, and coalescer of mana in all of its forms. From the purest distilled form of nth-tier mana…” The professor paused, twirling her index finger in order to bring over a vial of literal rainbow-fluid. “... to the most bastardized concoction of potent mana forms…” She paused once again, bringing over what appeared to be a brackish, muddy-brown solution that stained the glass of its container. “... the study of potions now serves far more than just a quick remedy or a boost of power for a mage or guardsman. It now serves as the facilitator for the vital yet understated processes of civilized society. From jump-starting new tethers and puddle jumpers for transport and communication, to the facilitation of water-based systems for the purposes of agriculture to plumbing, to the fuel by which manufactoriums are powered; potions is what defines our contemporary society. Especially those of us in adjacent realms particularly lacking in rich concentrations of mana.” 

I could practically feel the EVI furiously taking notes, as I could just about imagine its internal coolants flowing at a breakneck pace to keep it from overheating. 

“Potions theory will primarily focus on both this macro scale application of Potions, and the micro scale concoction of potions from a more traditional magely perspective. Potions crafting will follow a similar path, though with an emphasis on the latter rather than the former. Whilst Healing Magic will focus on another matter altogether.” Belnor paused once more, as if expecting someone to raise the question of why that was the case.

When it was clear silence was her only answer however, she quickly sighed. “I will always assume that everyone understands what is being taught if there are no questions raised. So let me set this precedence now — I wish for you to raise your hands should you have a point of disambiguation or clarification. Is that clear?”

The whole class nodded in acknowledgement, as several hands were tentatively raised up.

“Yes, Lady Ladona?” 

“And how exactly does Healing Magic fit into this subject roster, professor?”

“A very good question.” Belnor nodded. “Many, many years ago, Potions was a rather vague and undefined subject matter. Its reach was so extensive owing to its breadth and depth, that Healing was considered an integral aspect of its field of study. You will find that is no longer the case however, as Healing Magic has very much become a rich and diverse field in and of itself. Now, the reason why Healing Magic is within my scope of teaching is simple — all Potions Grand Masters must also be Masters of Healing. So considering the Healing Magic you will be taught will mostly be theoretical in nature and primarily fundamental studies… it is well within the scope of both my alma mater and expertise.”  

“Thank you, professor.” Ladona bowed and promptly took her seat.

“You’ve all probably heard this many times before, but as it is Academy policy, let me reiterate the specifics of how my classes will be organized.” 

The next thirty minutes of class was, predictably, spent addressing the various organizational quirks of the three periods in one day nature of Belnor’s classes.

As expected, the classes would be separated into morning and afternoon classes, with the expectation that Potions Theory and Potions Crafting would be taught more or less as a single period. Healing Magic however would primarily take up a good chunk of the afternoon classes, if not all of it.

Assessments were… once again, pretty predictable. Potions theory would be almost entirely written and theory-based. Potions Crafting would prove a bit more difficult owing to it being an almost entirely practical class. Whilst Healing Magic… was split fifty-fifty. 

I’d have to hope that the theory-based assessments would be enough to bring up my averages.

In any case, Belnor’s class was… strangely enough, simultaneously the most similar to home yet somehow the most driest. 


Willow Arkan

Ah magic chemistry. I am sure she would have some fun seeing the work of material science, while sorecar would appreciate their contraptions.