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Hey everyone! Here is the Work in Progress for Chapter 84 I hope you guys enjoy! :D

“No, Emma. We cannot just ask.” Thacea responded with a look of complete and utter befuddlement. Her features were, for lack of a better term, one that bordered on sheer incredulousness, as if she wasn’t expecting to hear that as my serious suggestion for this very-serious mission. “Or more accurately, I believe it will depend on exactly who it is you wish to ask, Emma.” The princess quickly clarified, pinching the bridge immediately above her beak and exhaling slightly.

“I mean, I was just hoping to ask the apprentice-” I offered, before the realization suddenly hit me, and I realized with every fiber of my being exactly why Thacea had reacted so viscerally to that proposal. 

In fact I could just about see the glint of relief in Thacea’s eyes the moment I realized the massive hole in my otherwise straightforward plan; as if she saw right through me by virtue of my body language and tone of voice alone.

“No, sorry, that’s actually a really really bad idea now that I say it out loud.” I admitted with a heavy sigh. “It’d be giving away the fact that we somehow learned of the existence of the green notebook, not to mention the fact that we somehow, through some inexplicable means, know that it’s in the apprentice’s possession.”

“Which would undoubtedly give away one of your greatest advantages—” Ilunor paused, before making an effort of pointing at my armor’s obscured drone-bay slots. “—your manaless means of subterfuge and espionage.” The Vunerian enunciated every syllable, narrowing his eyes as he did so, as if to catch a stray sight of one of my already-docked drones. 

“Moreover…” Thacea continued, taking over from Ilunor’s surprisingly valid points. “... should the apprentice be unable to deduce the existence of your manaless means of espionage, she will naturally resort to the most reasonable explanation, the most obvious cause of this breach of information security-”

“-Sorecar.” I completed Thacea’s words for her, prompting her to nod firmly in response. 

“Correct. And I probably need not explain the ramifications of this path.” The princess concluded, eliciting a sigh from myself and a pat on the shoulder from Thalmin. 

“Being direct and forthright is a noble endeavor, Emma. However, given the circumstances through which we discovered this vital piece of information, such a path simply is not viable for the procurement of our artifact.” The lupinor spoke reassuringly, making a point to ‘shake’ my otherwise unshakable shoulder, which the EVI seemed to respond appropriately by at least mimicking some range of motion so as to lessen my otherwise stout and unmovable demeanor. 

“I appreciate the input, guys.” I offered individual head bobs to all three, before moving forward with another plan, undaunted by the conceptual shortsightedness of the last. “So with the apprentice out of the picture, I guess that leaves only one other option.” I paused for dramatic effect, a small part of me realizing that much to my horror, that the Vunerian’s propensity for theatrics was more than likely rubbing off on me now. “We’ll just have to ask Sorecar for it.” 

This proposal sent Thacea into another pensive look of introspection. “There are inherent risks to being so direct, Emma. However, should you wish to approach this matter directly, I believe the man would be our best option moving forward.” The princess acknowledged with a confident nod. 

“Do you have any objections to it?” I shot back eagerly, leaning in more than I would’ve out-of-armor, the exaggerated movements something that were becoming second nature to me, despite a nagging part of me feeling a sense of longing to be able to properly emote again.

“Not necessarily objections per se, merely… a cautious concern over Professor Pliska’s spellbound ties to the Academy.” Thacea responded curtly. “I would suggest a roundabout means of procuring the notebook from the man, such that if pressed for answers, he could potentially provide half-truths or indirect answers which may sufficiently satisfy superficial questioning.” 

“So… the Princess Dilani treatment then.” I responded cheekily, trying to inject some levity into the situation with a sly little jab at the princess’... overly wordy propensity. 

Her reactions however, were once again, something bordering the flustered and the unamused. Though it was perhaps important to note that it did come in that order

“I erm, meant no offense by that of course! I just meant to say that well, you know, you’re able to… you have an incredible knack for just… well…” I stuttered awkwardly, moving an arm back to once again find itself bonking the backside of my helmet before I could stop myself. “... I was just meaning to compliment you on your ability to find ways into those aforementioned workarounds similar to how you were able to hold that shadowy-faced apprentice for so long during the whole medical wing saga where you kept him busy for hours and well-”

“I understand, and appreciate the roundabout attempt at levity through leveraging positive reinforcement, Emma.” Thacea cut me off before I could go any further, giving me an off-ramp on an otherwise endless highway to ramble town.

“Yeah, I couldn’t have put it better, Thacea.” I offered with an awkward laugh, before turning back towards the two unamused onlookers. “With that being said, do you guys have any other ideas or…” I trailed off, awkwardly divesting the floor to the pair.

“Professor Pliska is the most obvious route to take given the circumstances.” Ilunor surmised with a shrug. “Though I doubt the earthrealmer has what it takes to play the game, it is still firmly her responsibility to secure that book. I… would rather not participate in parlaying with the man.” 

“I still believe that simply taking  the book from the apprentice is the most sure-fire way of going about this, Emma.” Thalmin countered. “At this point, we’re relying on the Apprentice’s trust in the armorer’s ability to create copies of the green book. There could be a thousand different things that could happen between now, and our attempt to request that book from the armorer. With that in mind, I still strongly suggest a mission to procure the book through more direct means.”

“You have a point there Thalmin.” I acknowledged. “But I still think we should at least try the least invasive option, before stepping up and escalating our game.” 

“It’s your personal quest, Emma.” Thalmin responded with a disappointed sigh, as if expecting my opinions to have changed from his urging. “I will not infringe on the way in which you conduct your battles. Though do expect me to intervene should things evolve beyond a simple skirmish and into an all-out war.” 

“I appreciate the sentiments, Thalmin.” I nodded respectfully and with a smile. “So with all that being said, considering it’s like… nearly twenty-three hundred hours now. Perhaps we should start this mission first thing after class tomorrow-”


A series of four, distinct, anxiety-inducing knocks threw what should have been a neat conclusion to this straightforward mission preparation right out of the window.