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Hey everyone! I suggest you guys check out the revised version for Chapter 80 first before reading this Work in Progress, as there have been quite a few changes to the end of Chapter 80! 

If you already have, then I present to you the Work in Progress for Chapter 81 I hope you guys enjoy! :D

“Is that a threat?” I countered plainly, simply, and with my hand brushing against the back of my pistol.

“No, newrealmer.” The apprentice replied with a nonchalant, conversational tone of voice, having dropped that momentary rise in intensity. “I am merely referring to this little mixer. Which, I believe, I should allow you to get back to. But just be warned, it would be wise to heed my words. Though I highly doubt this will be the last you’ll be hearing of this, as perhaps clarification will be needed to address exactly what is and isn’t acceptable and tolerable. Then again, I doubt even that will be my purview. Oh well…” The apprentice shrugged, cutting himself and the little blanket of darkness off before he could get into another one of his long-winded tirades. 

The darkness disappeared as abruptly as it’d arrived. Moreover, if the sensor readings didn’t already make it clear, it was now very much evident to me that the shadowy bubble I’d been thrust into wasn’t some kind of portal or spatial anomaly, but a careful manipulation of light; separating our small space from the rest of the gathered crowd. A crowd which, much to my surprise, didn’t seem at all fazed by the scene. If anything, the sudden and inexplicable appearance of the apprentice seemed to only result in the expected nods of respect, and bows of deference. 

No words were exchanged between the shadowy apprentice and the gathered group. Instead, only a glare and a nod of respectful warning was given; generating an immediate shift in the atmosphere. 

A vibe that immediately read as: Tread Lightly.

Silence permeated the immediate aftermath of that encounter. With frustration within me brewing in equal measures and concern over the exact nature of what was to come from this active intervention. 

However, despite the general submission to the apprentice’s presence and the unspoken warnings toward the group as a whole, the mileage by which the warning was taken… varied considerably.

The tortle-like-turtle, along with the rest of his group and some scattered compatriots, simply left.

Ladona and a few others remained there for a second longer, before likewise breaking course, returning back to Auris Ping and the rest of their group. 

Etholin and the group of crocodiles however, whilst relatively unnerved and cautious, actually took a few steps towards me. 

“Well then.” The orange and yellow Viscount Gumigo broke the silence first. “You, newrealmer, are now officially on our sight-map.” He spoke in a manner that because of his cocksure and gung-ho demeanor, made it difficult to determine if that was a particularly good, or a particularly bad thing. Though the fact he also left quickly after saying that, probably implied the sentiment lay somewhere in between. 

“We'll have our eyes on you.” One of the crocodiles spoke, using two of his three fingers to point towards his eyes, before shooting them back towards me.

“And our ears too!” The smallest crocodile yapped through a confident grin, before just as quickly bolting off. 

This left only the small ferret as the last one standing, as he once more craned his head up higher and higher, just to meet my eyes. 

“T-the offer from before still stands, earthrealmer.” Etholin began, generating a brief instance of a privacy screen around us. “W-with the added caveat of guaranteed discretion on my part.” The ferret’s mild-mannered demeanor remained all throughout, even as he tried his best to infer something other than skittish nervousness through his words. “You were leading towards something, a topic which… while admittedly taboo and borderline preposterous, entering the realm of absurdity, is one that I very much wish to hear more of. Will you walk with me, Emma Booker?” The ferret gestured towards the second nook. “We don't have much time before the end of this mixer, after all.” 

I nodded cautiously, prompting the ferret’s privacy screen to grow stronger with mana radiation, a confirmation that these things did take more effort to maintain when in motion. 

“I’m flattered they even bothered to entertain my explanations in that case.” I offered, trying to keep the conversation rolling as it naturally veered towards one of the points I wanted to touch on; and that was to gauge the crowd from earlier using Etholin’s insight. 

“I-indeed. Though this perhaps due in no small part to the… unconventional and daring plays of your vastly inferior hand.” The ferret paused, before quickly correcting himself just as we arrived at the third nook. “I… I meant no disrespect with that of course!” 

“No offense taken, at least not at this junction, Lord Esila.” I offered with a sigh, urging him to continue.

“A newrelamer’s deck is often comprised up of cards stacked against their favor from the moment they step into the nest of intrigue that is the Academy. Your… unique predispositions, whilst seemingly a handicap, have been overshadowed by your peers’ classroom performance, and most notable of all… your library card. Whilst the former is subject to the whims of the academic game, the latter… has become a foundational cornerstone to your lore. This, amongst a few other rumors and whispers, has forced the student body to reassess its stance on what would otherwise be an easily-dismissed existence. Indeed I… applaud your risk-taking maneuvers during that fateful assembly. Though I can imagine it did not come without its price.” 

That latter, almost ominous statement, immediately put me in mind of Auris and the resultant cold war stemming from our two fates that’d become inexplicably linked after that assembly fiasco.

A pause quickly punctuated the scene, with Etholin looking up expectantly, as I took a moment to get a closer look at the third nook and all of its magically-derived shenanigans; namely the battle-lines now drawn into what appeared to be a fully actualized, highly-rendered battlemap, and several towns and cities scattered across it. 

“All decisions have their prices, Lord Esila.” I offered earnestly, just as the lines in whatever magical RTS game happening in the background behind him were shifting. “Indeed, as much as I appreciate your insight on this matter, this does raise the question—”

“You backstabbed my third guard unit, Lord Etale!” 

“Well, YOU lied to me about the shipment of grain!”

I paused, momentarily distracted by the drama quickly manifesting in the background. 

“—why exactly do you seem to be more invested in me than most? Now, I’m not saying I’m not appreciative of course. I genuinely, and wholeheartedly, wish to form more bonds amidst an… in your own words — nest of intrigue. However, I am merely curious.” 

“Perhaps I see this as a risk worth taking, Cadet Emma Booker.” He offered with a twitch of his ears. “Perhaps, I see that the benefits of discussing matters, of forming at the very least a working relationship, is now worth the potential risks following your elevation from a mere newrealmer, to a potential player in the game.” 

A momentary silence once more descended following that answer, as I paused to ponder the sincerity behind the ferret’s voice, amidst the growing chaos and rapidly deteriorating battle-lines of the game behind him; towering high-rises and windmills alike, crumbling amidst a barrage of tiny magical missiles hurled to the tune of tiny mana radiation signatures.



Also I thought the apprentice was a girl?


Different apprentice, this one's the shadow-faced guy who was guarding the infirmary doors and humming in front of the library bridge

Michael Halpern

trick is going to be desuading the notion of a lack of mana meaning Earth is weak. Actions speak louder than words however,