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This Month’s Poll for the Commissioned Pioneer Tier!

  • Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School: Side Story 16 26
  • Humans Don't Hibernate: Side Story 1 7
  • Original Story: The Vaults of Humanity 14
  • Original Story: Freedom's Call 2
  • 2024-04-30
  • 49 votes
{'title': 'This Month’s Poll for the Commissioned Pioneer Tier!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School: Side Story 16', 'votes': 26}, {'text': "Humans Don't Hibernate: Side Story 1", 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Original Story: The Vaults of Humanity', 'votes': 14}, {'text': "Original Story: Freedom's Call", 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 30, 21, 32, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 49}


Hello Commissioned Pioneers!

I hope everyone’s month has been going well! :D It is indeed that time yet again! Time to sit down and talk to you guys about a few things! First off, the story! We’ve hit quite a splash in the last few chapters as Thalmin experiences a bit of Nexian shenanigans whilst taking a dip in the pool! Moreover, we’re also building up to bridging the current set of classes with the main plot points. That being Mal’tory’s ultimate fate, the library quest, as well as quite a few more things as we’re moving forward and towards both the town trip as well as the house choosing ceremony! I’m excited to show you guys what I have planned! :D 

And next up, I’d like to take the time again to thank everyone here for sticking around with me and my stories. 

This month has been similarly intense, with exams hitting me at quite a few corners and a lot of other real life developments continuing on forward. I’m still trying my best amidst the situation, but I’d just like to express just how much I genuinely appreciate having this opportunity to write for everyone here! These stories mean the world to me, and being able to write it for everyone is genuinely something that truly does spark joy within me. It’s something that gives me meaning amidst so many things happening. I’m so happy to be putting pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard in this case haha, every chance I get to bring these worlds to life to you guys. This makes each and every week something that I always look forward to, because I can’t wait to share more and more of these worlds and its adventures to everyone! 

So thank you, everyone, for sticking around with me and my silly little stories. I know I’ve said this multiple times already, but I really do mean it each and every time: thank you guys, for literally changing my life for the better. I can’t express how much I appreciate you guys being here, and I can only hope I can express my appreciation and return that good will by writing the best stories I can for all of you.

Thank you guys.

You've made this silly little writer's days just so much more brighter.

As always though, the new month calls for another round of votes!

So let's get right into the task at hand!

You guys should already see the Monthly Short Story for March already up and live! Last month you guys voted for Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School's fifteenth side story!

This time we get to see the conclusion to The Emerald Staff saga as it currently stands! :D This lore, and this story, will eventually tie in to Articord’s backstory which will of course emerge as its own focus within the main storyline as the story continues! :D 

I really hope you enjoy it, and the hints as to the origins of Articord’s staff, and their backstory! :D 

Now, onto this month's poll for April's Short Story!

For those of you who are new Commissioned Pioneers, here's a little description of just how the polls work:

Every new month, each person in the Commissioned Pioneer tier gets 1 vote for one of the four story concepts listed in the poll. The poll will be posted soon after the release of the previous month’s bonus story. Voting will last for about three to four weeks following the poll’s release. This is so that everyone has ample time to vote across the entirety of the month, and so that I have time to write up the story for the new month!

And of course, as most of you guys are here for Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School, as well as Humans Don't Hibernate, this month's poll will again include an option for additional side story opportunities for these two universes! :D



Freedom's call sitting rock bottom for months 😞 nexus lore is just too interesting. Great world building, JCB. The only criticism I could offer is that I want more. Don't want to complain or insult, just hungry for more of the extensive story you're crafting. Always happy to see a patreon notification when I wake up Saturday/Sunday. I've read some of your other stories on HFY, and I can tell that Emma's future adventures will be riveting. Thank you for making such an interesting series.