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Hi guys, long time no see, first of all I want to thank all the wonderful sponsors that despite the shortage of content month after month were here, you don't know how much they helped me survive last year, they really are the best.

On the other hand I feel shame for not having been able to meet during the last year month after month the goal of exclusive loops of patreon, with votes in between, I am aware that I could not achieve progress beyond what I would have liked, however I never thought that my little art will begin to gain more notoriety on the Internet to the point that today I spend more than 10 to 12 hours a day during the week working on commissions, projects and art for the community, and it is asficciante the amount of time that this takes, and especially the time that goes with this, more than a hobby has become a job, and like any job tires and saturates your worker, but that does not mean you do not enjoy it, I really feel grateful and fortunate with what I have achieved, I have spent years uploading content, improving what I do and giving that touch that both like and see that all my effort paid off is just beautiful.

Obviously it wouldn't be possible without you guys and that's why I love you ❤.

Now I want to get back to being more active in all my projects and especially in this platform, as I mentioned before this has become my job so I must keep everything well and in its place, therefore I will upload again exclusive content here but due to the times I now manage work I will change the formula a little and this time I will upload before clips here than in my public networks of animations in which I'm working, I don't promise to do continuous voting of exclusive loops but I will try to do one every two months and with the addition that now these will include audio, becoming mini clips, with more scenes, effects and little things that I know you will like and finally I will create a Discord channel where the Sponsors will have an exclusive section where they can see screenshots of fresh designs in which I am working at that moment, being able to take suggestions from you or even take orders to publish if I like your idea to animate it.

Well then it would look like this:

• See my animated clips before everyone else.

• Exclusive mini clips with vote (Every two months, depending on how busy I am it may be less or more time).

• Exclusive section in the new discord channel.

Well to finish I am going to change the prices of the subscriptions leaving only 3:

►1st of $1: To have access to all the content of Patreon.

►2nd $5: To have access to the voting and the discord channel.

►3rd of $50: To have access to the editable of my works (They may not be all but most of them will be there).

I do this in order not to saturate myself with work and for you to enjoy in a fairer way a good content with affordable prices. 

Without further ado we will see you soon, and I hope you are having a great time and a happy beginning of the year.

By the way enjoy the preview of this animation.





I'm glad to read that things are working out well for you so far. Here's to even more good times coming you're way in the near future. By the way, something tells me that the Mario.Bros will enjoy their "reward" in a couple of minutes.