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Due to problems with multiple host platforms for videos, that patreon itself recommends, I had to choose to do the whole clip in a Gif, from now on I will have to do it this way, since there is no platform compatible with Patreon to upload a simple clip, because until today Patreon still does not implement the option to upload videos directly here, which makes me a stupidity seeing the money they handle, but these are things of the bourgeoisie that one as a third world user must adapt, what a shit. If you know any way to upload clips with NSFW content compliant with Patreon other than Vimeo or Youtube or any platform similar to Patreon that allows you to upload videos I'll thank you guys, for now enjoy this gif and thanks for those who warned me, I love you โ™ฅ.

Stay tuned for more Pokemon posts guys, as it was the winning choice for this month ๐Ÿ‘Œ.



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