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Hey guys! A few days ago I published 3 renders of Ellie and Dina as DJs in a crowded nightclub and well, you can find the results right here on Patreon, and on my DeviantArt profile! After completing these 3 renders, I started developing a new mini comic series project involving Abby and Ellie!

It's the first time I've been creating a comic series, and even though I intend for it to be a relatively short story, it's been a very fun creative process for me, as it's something I've never done before and despite the adversities I faced during the production of the five first renders, is still the way I'm planning it in mind!

In this post you will have early access to these five images that I am working on, and I still don't have an estimated official release date but I believe it will take several weeks. Enjoy! There are five scenes without speaking, and I think I'll opt for a "silent" comic style, without dialogue, but if you want, I can also include Abby and Ellie's lines in the next scenes.



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