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Hey everybody :) Here's a short clip of me practicing the beginning of Ed Sheeran's I see fire. Nothing too special, just some raw singing I felt the need to record to check if it's everything's ok. How do you like it? :)


Practicing - Raw singing footage



Hmmm, I never heard you stutter. And for Heaven's sake, you are speaking English! I wonder what led you to learn English, or is it spoken in your country? I really admire that. I'm 3 years into learning Italian and still can't hold a decent conversation hahaha. Then again, there is no one to talk with that speaks Italian hahaha. Good on you!


It's late for you, see ya! Looking forward to the next Singer.


Stutter is the wrong word. I make mistakes often so I edit them out. English is not spoken in my country but I mean, I've watched a lot of Cartoon Network as a kid so I picked it up pretty quickly lol. Croatian is my first language. You're right, talking with people is the best way to learn a language. Maybe travel to Italy when you get a chance. I'm sure if you spent a month or two there that you would pick it up without a problem. :)