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So, some of you may know that I've hit the gym at the beginning of July, hired a personal trainer and decided to get my physical health back on track.
My life before consisted of a lot of sitting by the piano at work while showing my students vocal/piano exercises and how to learn their sheet music. After that I would often eat some junk food and record videos then sit again for hours to edit them.
And I really love doing that, if I didn't love it I wouldn't be able to do it for almost 2 years now without ever skipping a week of uploading, often 3 videos, sometimes 2, rarely 1 but never 0 as far as I know. However, slowly I saw that it could become a problem if I continue doing things that way. My back started hurting a bit and it's just not healthy to live that way. It even made it harder mentally because I was constantly tired, drained and unhappy about my state.
Now, I finally feel younger and healthier! It's just the matter of finding the balance of keeping all of this up. It's easier now over the summer break and I'll continue doing the same thing during August, but when school starts again in September, I'll have to make some adjustments.
Anyway, I've been eating supper healthy everyday, so I asked my trainer if it would be ok to have a burger at this Street Food Festival I attended and he said - Sure man, you deserved it! That made me happier than I like to admit haha.
So this is my happy face before eating a supper awesome cheeseburger with 5 types of cheese mmm. Enjoy your weekend!



Deborah Cox

You're welcome. I can only go by experience, and that is that my darling husband had a sit down job, and I fed him wonderful food, but not healthy, unfortunately. We changed after his first heart attack. Got that all under control, and even got to go off his high blood pressure medication because of our changes in diet and he walked after work everyday. Then we took up bike riding and he did that until just 3 months before he died. He was riding his bike for hours everyday (had to retire early because if his stage 4 kidney cancer) and trying so so so hard to beat the stupid cancer. We didn't find out he even had cancer until it was stage 4. He was told 6 months to live but he made it 2 years because he was determined. Dang it I miss him so much! Anyway, you can avoid the heart issues for the most part if you keep moving! And eat better, lower salt and stuff like that.


First of all, thanks for sharing all of that. I knew your husband had passed away, but I didn't know the details. That makes me determined even more to look after my health. I know you miss him, but man he sounds like a great guy, managing to live 2 years despite the predictions. I don't know what it is, but I hear every day about somebody having some sort of cancer.. it must be because of all the stressful work and life style that we're kinda forced to follow in this speedy world and the food that we eat which I believe is getting less organic with every year. I'm not an expert but I think s lot of it comes from food. I really appreciate you telling me this and I'll do my best to take care of myself and my loved ones. ❤️