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UPD: now posted on FurAffinity https://www.furaffinity.net/view/44035025/


final pic will look almost the same,
characters will be changed to yours β™₯

  • any species
  • any gender
  • similar body type, small changes possible
  • face expressions can be changed

any questions feel free to ask <3

SLOT 1: closed
SB $ 85
MI $ 5
AB $ 135

SLOT 2: closed
SB $ 125
MI $ 5
AB $ 185

SLOT 3: closed
SB $ 85
MI $ 5
AB $ 145

paypal only
payment must be done in 48 hours after auction ends

  • to place a bid leave a comment
  • please don't retract your bids
  • reply to the previous bidder if you would like to place a higher bid
  • if after the end of the auction the last bid is invalid after 48 hours, then the slot is given to the previous one

will be done before oct 24th

πŸ•“ ending 48 hours after the LAST bid 
