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aand i'm late again X)


2/3 of the elite reward done, might be able to finish tomorow, or worst case to 2 of the last and the very last friday as i start the HQ
Plan is to do HQ next right away after that.
Once HQ done, monthly, and the CYOA. Might also stick more personal project or envy in the middle of that .
Wanna indulge myself into drawing some more tities for fun


So, started playing Helldivers 2. Let's talk about the minus first, the game come with some bug, apparently, servers are plenty, but the game wasn't coded with in mind so many player at the same time. So the game struggle to find you a game to play, because there's so many peoples he try to shove 5 in a 1 spot at every second X). They say they're looking to resolve it
Second minus point is the Anticheats is Gameguard, and it got a bad reputation, as a quite invasive program. Like that ll close shit on your computer, thinking it might be a cheat. Also it created numerous false positive locking players out of the game. Seems most is dealt with now, but issue was here last week.
That's for the bad.. the rest is .. Great. You have fun, the missions are varied in objectives, each with different approach, and in higher level it can become each time a totally new thing.
like, this mission when 5 Bile Titan cruised on us at the same time, and i killed two of them in a row, first by drop poding on it and then directly landing an orbital bombardment in it.
Or this battle we had with Stormriderq (a friend artist, also on this patreon!) when we had to refil an artillery battery, but bug kept coming and coming, and more were calling for helps, and our teamates ran away, but we manage to  loard the bcanon,  under the bits of hundreds of gigantic bugs. We killed like 200 of them on this objective only, ending the fight with no ammo of any sorts, picking the weapons of the deads, hoping for one more bullet to keep the fight.
This game is a factory of "moments" And it's a hella fun to play with friends. Even with rando, you get in, you start to talk, and meme about democracy get out, and after 4 miisions, you now have friends, to PURGE the xenos out of Super Earth territory!
Yeah it's a fun ride, an i clearly recomand it despite it flaws

Birthday boy.

My birthday is soon. the 3 march. So, not telling you expecting a gift, just to announce i would go a few days in the begining of the month, see my family. Might be next week, but i think i would rather go on second week of march, to just give me time to finish a few things, and also see a friends that come to my city, been a few month i didn't see him, so, could take the occasion to.
I'll know that next week anyway, so i'll tell you that then.

That's about it, rather short, but i was late
Thanks for reading this far, and c ya soon!


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