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So as i said, bought myself some ORKS and wanted to share my first one.

Also, tell me guys if you want me to post my figs when i finish some. Started with the boss, and took my time, tonight painted two more boyz. Most of time it's along 4 h of paint, i kinda not see the time pass when i do

Watched some movies with the roomate while painting, kinda fun way to get at it.

Would add decalco stuff later on. Never tried before so ll certainly test with smaller less "importants" units, like boyz first, to try

Kinda into the painting now it's my holliday still after all.

I'm feeling better btw, kinda a bummer i was sick 5 out of my only 9 days off but, heh, it's life.
I might tough, push back my comeback to the 3 instead of the 2 because of that, had planned to go out with a friend for a day, he is moving to Japan for his job in two weeks, and couldn't cause i was stuck in bed.
So , it's a possibility.
Anyway, next week back to work for sure. Hope you'll have all a wonderfull night for this last night of the year! C ya soon!




Looks really awesome! From what i have heard, painting figs is not easy