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EDIT4 :and a short comics page, in B/w
I decided to make it a 4 panel wide on my own. But seemed fun. At this point just hoe ot look ok X)

EDIT3 : it's through a bit of meds i did this one X)
Neck still stiff, but it's getting better i think. So, 3 done one to go, then we ll move to other jobs!

EDIT 2 : Crush the patriarchy or something, anyway bondage DC style

EDIT1: Aaand first one done, and now, i jump back into the exploring of 40k space =D

Ok so.. i kinda let myself slip under the Rogue trader path

So got to enforce some rules, starting tomorow, no play till i finish one drawing at least!
Gonna keep me concentrated XD
Anyway did at least a rough today, Goblin girl packed for use later!
Gonna finish this tomorow =D



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