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Here we go


on my way to do the august picture, i think i'll finish the Elites, then do the monthly sketch 45, then the HQ. Ideas for this month is to do at least August and septembe rewards, and maybe start Octobers. Wanna start next year with nothing due.
So, let's move on!

Personal stuffs

I think i'll try to stop hurting me over drawing personal stuff.
I tend to always feel bad to work on stuff for me instead of comms. And TBH, there's a reason why, last time i did a thing for myself, was the Gobi at gym serie, and after 3 pictures peoples started to come asking me if i would soon go back to draw their stuff X)
So i kinda know that each time i draw a thing for me, some are grinding their teeth cause i'm not working toward their.
But.. at this point it's more sanity stuff. Just to have fun for me.
So i won't ask anymore, or tell, if one day i wake up and just wanna draw a thing for me, i'll ^^


I got a couple comm in queue atm. One is a BIG BIG one, a comics, and another is a full colour. Both are great, but, soon, i might open a 3 or 4 slot of comm, B/W sketchs, only. Mostly cause, well, christmass was here and i could use a few bucks.
Not sure when, but certainly around mid December.
Stay tuned for when it happen. I'll notify the patreons first when i do =)

That's about it, short, but i tend to go to bed early, recently, so i often feel half awake only at this time of the day XD
Thanks for reading this far, and c ya soon!


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