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Here we are, and here we go


Yeah, 9 days and i did 2 out of the 31 i expect me to do, but, i got a shit tons of sketch reward to do now X)
Also, as you might know now, my roomate is moving, so last week been, cleaning, heloping him move out, clean more, throw a lot of junk and pass the announce. Starting the visit tomorow, and the flat never been as clean as it is now!
Also, for the last monthly sketch, i wanted to do something clean, dunno if it look cool, but kinda happy with some element in it!
So this week, rewards! I'll see if i can manage to do AT LEAST the elite reward for june, in one week, and if yes, start the HQ
After that, monthly 44 , and the special 40k for celebrate my twitter 40k followers.
And then July rewards. AN THEN, we start the long awaited next CYOA! That's the program of the month!
So, stay tuned!

The Lack of sleep:

I kinda fucked my sleep pattern a lot recent month. Keep switching between night and day cycle, and, tbh, i m starting to feel lasting effect.
Mostly i noticed i was a tad more depress more often, and i think i can directly link my lack of sleep and me slowly feeling less good and unwell. So, kinda not a good thing.
I'll try to adop a more genuine rythm of life in the coming month.
Started by taking less cofee, and eating more healthy. I cook a lot recently, vegetables and fish mostly.
Idea is, if i feel better, if i got a good mental state, Then,  i'll produce better and  more effective. All the best productive period of my life where the one with a good constant rythm of life
So, gotta find one and stick on it as much as possible. I'll try to that in the next mnths, and try to be more productive.I know i know, many have told me that not All artist already post and produce as much as i do, yes, but still, wanna do more!

Fuckin scammer:

One of the least funny part with starting to become known on social network, is how many fuckers send you scam. And the worst, THE WORST are the one with the health or pet rescue post.
"oh my mom got cancer" or "my cat been hit by a car" They come to you, they send you, without asking first, pictures of peoples at the hospital, or their cats video, and ask you to give them 1500$
What's worse is, there's peoples that genuinely are in those desperate situation. That are needing such helps... and those fuckers try to do that too. I sware, only in the lat 10 day,i received 4 messages of these type on my DM, or several that literally @ me on site.
That's the worst. If i do advertise it, and it's a scam, it give idea for more scamer.
If i don't and someone animal die because no one send money it just break me every time, just to think of it.
So i got a 'i never retweet or advertise those"
Whatever or whoever ask.
And each day it just eat my sanity. Those peoples that abuse of people trust are really the scum of the earth. 

Sorry to end on a more sad note, but that was on my system for a long time now and needed it out!

thanks for reading this far, if you still are, and c ya soon!


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