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Last edit: Finished the Elite rewards, with a 40k and a SFW one too!
Attacking the HQ tomorow!

Edit2 :2 new addition, wanted to finish the elite before i go but seems it ll wait for me to bve back tuesday to finish them.

Edit : this one count for two, as was 2 differen prompt. Same keyword but Yvraine and Kerillian, told myself "got to get them together" so asked the two patreon, they said "game" and so it is!

Patreon rewards of may is up, so far 2 sketches, as said in the weekly talk i tried a more 'quick rough a bit cleaned" this time and... seems to work ok
Don't hesitate to tell me your opinion on the general look!



James P

Blue hair girl is maybe a bit rough but I love sketch work so I like her, and the bit and drool are perfect. And the girl on the leash is a dream, but I go for any type of good little pet. So overall I say they are awesome 👍

James P

So nice to see girls working together 📍