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Damn.. i forgot again

Here we go!


Finishing swamp gobo then monthly 42! That done moving on!
A yes, little note, i'll take a short 3 days break Next week, around the 20th. My grandparents ll move to my sister"s place for a few days, and i'm gonna hang there a bit to see them. Lil Family reunion, always a good way to steam off.


Kinda get addicted to the game
Got it flaws, got it rough edges, far from perfect, but.. kinda love it.
HARD to focus and not go play when i should work, had to force myself some rules about that.
Might get back to stream on a regular basis in the next weeks just to be sure i keep steady and work just fine.
That said, kinda loved doing the space ranger whole questline, had the impression to hear the firefly theme song in my hear the whole run ^^
Anyway good game, kinda wanna keep exploring

One year and counting

So, as you know i kinda want to keep a sort of glatznoz between you and me and how i handle money wise.
i know some would prefer to keep it private but, well, it's not how i like to proceed.
So i decided to share this, my data on the last year

So, There's the month, on the left, then the whole money asked by patreon, next colounm is the one refused, that weren't sounted, then the payback. Then we have the Fee, of platform and payment. Basicly all the share patreon take and taxes too. And finaly what i get. Patreon take a last part when i move money out of patreon to paypal, and that is calculated depending of the total sum i'm moving out.
To that, you got to remove the share Paypal take at the transaction and when i move to bank account and 21.6% of what is left is taken by the state as taxes!
So basicly remove 100 more for patron i follow and all the paypal and patreon share and remove 21.6% of what remain and you got what i actually end with  ^^
Yeah, not that much, but with the state help to companies i kinda manage to have  decent living condition!

What to say of the year? I had a clear growth but notice how i sudenly droped in last 3 month, it's kinda logical, summer always see some dump, as well, peoples go to hollidays and get less money for artists.
Same i also removed some HQ and ELITES Roles. Mostly cause i'm late and let's face it, it's not as much money as i would do with comms. So downing that to be able to take comms in the future!
So, out of that i'm quite stable in the income sharts. Yeah if it keep going down, might be an issue in the long run, but, well, i knew at the begining it was a risky job ^^.
So long it's more than fine, and you guys are amazing!
Twitter shadowban on self advertising is kinda plummeling me i think too, so, if you can share the words to friends of yours "oh the guy who do this got a super patreon" etc etc
Do it, at least if you wanna
Good words often give good result!
And thanks again for helping me sustain this career guys. You are truelly amazing!

That's all for this time

thanks again for reading this far and c ya soon!


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