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so, why does it count as 2 weekly talk?

Because i also use those to count since when i'm active as an artist. Like, the moment i decided it would be my main job X) (it became effective only 2 years later when i made my company). So, wanna keep up with those.
And we didn't posted one last week because of holliday

anyway let's begin:


Was a nice 10 days off. I ll try to accept that i can take break time to time ^^ At least to try to escape those down moment with big art blocks XD
Anyway, was good, but now we're back.
Plot is simple, finish April rewards, only a few remaining, then one commission. That would at least take the week, and might be a bit more than that tbh, we will see.
Plan for september is focussing on rewards, and try to finish as much of lates one as possible! The new system of sketch i did work fine, manged to do 12 sketch in 4 days, so, might keep it!
Plan is, for december, to be up to date to all my late works!
Let's see if i manage! Lot's of pressure

Cooling down:

I dunno for you, but last week was like 40 to 42 ° of temperature, each day. And quasi no cool down at night, here, at night, was 33° at 4 am... So yeah, a fuckin oven!
And yesterday, started to cool down, it rain for the whole day and we are more around 20°C once again. We can breath XD
I wont lie, those temperature played a massive impact in my decision to keep my holliday a tad longer. Tried to draw Friday, temperature went up to 48°C in my bedroom, with the computer, and i got no AC here. So.. yeah... didn't had the will to go over that XD
Now, it's gone, so, gonna work once again, and with no fear to melt this time!

Farewell old pal!

No, no one died, but my roomate move out. He found a better job and ll go follow his dream. So he llgo and we ll start the search for a replacement. He ll help, cause the contract say he got to pay for next 6 month after he leaved as long as no one took his place, so, we ll try to be quick X)
Still, a bit sad, we were good friend before he mooved in 2 years ago, and we managed to still be once he is going out. A thing that isn't that comon when you share a flat with a friend for long period X).
So, why do i say it? Well it ll impact, at least a bit, my work sheldule in the coming week, not a lot i hope. But we got to settle things, clean the place in the details (like those famous place you never dust MUST BE DUSTED!)
And i'll take the occasion to move a bit the living room, started to do it in last 2 days, changed some old shelf i had to better looking ones. Look fancy ^^
So i'll try to do at least one sketch a day, as intended, for the patreon reward remaining and then go to work on the appartment!
The most of it ll still be in september tough, when he ll actualy move out. Easier to dust in place hard to reach when some of the thing making it hard to reach are gone! ^^
Still, I prefer to notify you guys of this event before! Now, you know!

So that's about it !
thanks once again for reading this far!

and c ya soon!


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