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Here we are, here we go

Workflow :

 this week, two things, one gobo comm
One CYOA comics.
I'll for the cyoa go back to the sketchy roots of the first episodes. The issue is, i started, as usual, as "let's do sketchy and quick" then each time i'm compealed to do better, until it become a hasle more than a fun.
I got to keep me in check, so last episode ll try to go quick and efficient like first part was (that was the most popular of the serie tough, so i don't think you guys ll complain)
The gobo comm is something i'm actually excited about, the char was designed by an artist i got the biggest respect for and i'm kinda boiling to start it
THEN, what next?
Patreon reward ll be the keyword this month, finish as much as i can of those, As i said i'll go more in the quick and efficient, i wanna try something more fast to do in the general theme, but that keep the whole fancy, i think i can if i just do a few tweaks in colours and light.
Anyway, this week, some xenos asses, and a gobo

baldur's gate 3

I won't lie, it 'll come and i kinda decided my day off the week ll be the 4th.. not the 3, it come in late afternoon, i can work before it release, and ll spend the 4th playin it i think. Gonna be fun
So, i'll play a bit, and might be possible one of the char become the pin up of the month
Dunno wich, but... Shadowheart elf seems obvious choice, the Barbarian tiefling girl too.. but i'm quite sure i can have EXTRA fun with the evil themed Lae'zel the green short noses Githiyanki
Anyway, not sure what to play, kinda balance between a bard and a wizard X).
In 5th edition bards seems WAY more powerfull than they were in older editions. Plus seems you can have tons of fun with those and dialogues.
Saw a guy killing someone, trying to talk to the corpse soul, the corpse was like "you killed me, piss off!" so the guy used bard spell, disguise self, came back "oh damn a guy killed me, what an asshole, so, what do you want to know?"
Seems like hella fun!

4week with no gym

I skipped the gym for last 4 almost 5 weeks.
I had an injury on the right knee, so was a bit cautious, was walking out a lot, but no gym
It get better so next week, gonna go back pump iron. Wanna have bif muscle to go with big belly =D
I know i'm gonna be sore af, but damn, i miss this feeling too

That's about it, thanks for reading this far, and c ya soon!


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