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Here we are, here we go


Halfway though the monthly sketch 41, sketch is done, i ll rework it a bit tomorow, add details mostly, and then colour it, should be quick.
Then working on the T'au episode 5 and try to end the month with a goblin draw comm.
Then, for august, i want to do at least April and May reward in a go. And if i can June too.
I'll try to work fast and deliver it all. I dunno if i'll, i might end quite sadly outof shape after a few draw, but at least i wanna do that.
Let's see if i manage to throw a lot of nice cock to you guys when it happen!

Simpler better stronger?

I ll try an old fashion for the next pictures in colours i would do.
I used to create a layer of uni colour, and do the whole shading on that, basicly, just to focus on shadows and light without getting bugged by the colours of the flat.
It worked quite well but took a bit of time back then.
I wanna try that again with my more recent knwoledge and skill and see if it can make me go faster.
It's quite simpler technique to use, more emphasis on shade and less on light, but might bare interesting fruits.
Kinda hope it ll look nice!

Good ol sisphus.

Being an artist is a bit like the good ol pal Sisiphus. YOu roll your rock on the hill, and at one point, might slip and roll back down.
It's a bit that. You get known, you get a community, and then it get away cause of some stuff.
I mean, patreon could, tomorow, decide to ban me cause they didn't liked the shape of one cock in a picture i posted 5 years ago.
Twitter might get bankrupt and force me to start over on another site, new community, start over from scratch.
I might get sick and get blocked to bed or worse..
My mom got a twin brother, who wed her best friend from high school, they were so close they almost gave birth at the same time, to me and my cousin.
We have 1 week difference in the end, but she and I been together our whole life. Her mom died of cancer when she was a kid, and my mom kinda took her in. We've been in same school, always together, it's more a sister than a cousin for me. I have  shown side of me that i have never shown or told anyone else. We got a bit away becoming adults, but grew closer in recent years once again.
Recently she scared us all when she fainted and ended in the hospital. In the end was just an infection. She had an internal infection that came un noticed and spread, but she get there quick enough and she is well now.
It would be a lie to say it didn't impacted me. It's no excuse for the slacking of the last week. But if you talked to me recently and questioned yourself on why i was kinda grim and gloomy, it's the answer.
it's been a rough year on that part. Loosed closed relative in a violent way, and tbh, i think loosing her would have broke me.
But it's fine, just needed a few days, so when a friend came in town, just jumped on the occasion to go out and change my mind.
Just, i promised myself i would take it easy in the coming days. No pressure, go at my rythm.
So.. thanks for giving me this time guys ^^

That said, thanks for reading this far, if you still are

and c ya soon


James P

Take it easy and take care of yourself. Good to hear your cousin is okay enjoy your time with her.