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So, let's start!


Advanced on the comm and took a week to do one picture =D Wasn't my most worked on week last week tbh.
That said, will continue and end 2 comms this week. And might start a few drawing for me then and then
I noticed recentl i started again with this trend of drawing only comms and stuff to others.
Recently was like "oh, been LONG since i drew a disney theme stuff, why not Jasmine?" and i heard myself grumble "i can't got too much work!" and... it's stupid. It's exactly that type of thinkg that ended me in near burnout last months.
So i'll indulge myself to draw just random shit then and then, just for the pleasure.
So This week,  comms to finish, and sketching things i want! More if i'm faster than i planned too.

Summer and the rash

I got a sort of skin condition, it's not recent, been a few year that i got a rash developing on my left torso. A bit under the armpit. It goes, then come back. The doctor think it's a sort of shroom, or a stress desease, he isn't sure, but it's benine. Just come and go every summer. Why on summer? it seems to be there the rest of time but inflamate when i start to sweat a lot. When i do sport i go in the show when i come back, but when weather is hot can take a bit of time between two and it irritate it. Solution would be to take 4shower a day X)
Anyway, it's more a minor anoying thing than anything, but it's funny that i got stuff like old gazzers in the movies "I can feel the rain coming in my knee !"
"i can feel when it get hoter on my armpit!" X)

Disco Elysium

I had bought the game 3 years ago and after a brief play didn't continued. I think i was a bit pulled back by the loarding time back then. My old pc could take up to 5 or 6 minute to charge anything, and load time was making me crazy. So i went back to it recently and.. kinda like it. The system is fun, and if there's a lot to read, it's a quite interesting game. Still trying to see how to do some of the stuff.
For those who dunno what the game is, it's a RPG, you play an old cop, and when the game start you wake up after what seemed to be a heart attack. You loosed your memory, so much that you can't even remember your face, and you discover by connecting the dots that you were, to this point, a quite despicable human being. You were sent to inquiry on a murder. A private security force guy, hanged on a three behind a famous hotel/restaurant of the place. And you instead of doing the investigation , drunk and drugged yourself into oblivion, while crashing the place and terrorizing the local with your gun.
But now, a partner from another preccint is here, and it's time to unlock this mystery.
The game don't evolve under the classical combat system and stuff. Your characteristic and competence are more stuff like "will" or "intelligence" and "conceptualization". Those are more capicity to think and how to develop them. YOu can interiorize tough to unlock new capacity or dialogue options. Like Interiorizing racism propaganda and explaining everyone why their race is inferior to you. Or in the opposite unlocking true artist thinking and see any face as a canvas.
Game is truelly one of a kind, and only a couple hours of play make you understand it.
Fun so far! ll keep playin it in the coming days.

That's about it, thanks for reading this far, and c ya soon!


James P

Jasmin is always great stress relief ❤️