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Hoy, a bit early this time, to compensate the late one =D


So february was the biggest month for reward, finished it eventualy.
So what with this week? 2 things. First a gobi picture for 28k, i think i'll keep this serie till i reach 30k then stop it, but was fun and gave me an excuse to draw my gobo more =D
Shouldn't take more than a day or two, then comms! Got two to finish and i'll be done with those! On is an adoptee ref sheet. Second is a long due comics page about soraka, that i actually started a few weeks before X)
That done, March reward, then the Tau last episode CYOA
But that, is in the future, for now, time to commish to be done with!

diablo 4 again:

Well.. playing a mage, electric boobaloo dark skinned mage girl, here is the storm and all the things. Got a build i like, quite deadly and nervous, 100% glass canon tough, reliable on arthefact that give me health back on kills to sustain large battles. But DAMN it hit hard! Basicly playing short range, using spell like shootgun for max effect, removing BIG chonk of bosses heath each time it hit
For the other aspects, didn't finished the game yet.
No spoiler, promise, the game got a multiple acts structure, but act 1 to 3  are to be done in the order you want. Like you can directly jump to 2 or 3 and do 1 as last for exemple. Did 2 first cause i kinda liked where the story went there, was quite happy to see that major Npc actually had lines of dialogue about events of the other acts if you did them in disorder.
To fill the gap kinda went further and drew while listening to a Diablo lore full class in the previous days, played the 2 when i was young but didn't really catch the story, and the 3 but, tbh, exept a few details, don't remember it perfectly.
Out of that, game is gorgeous. Not bright or anything, but there was love into it. Only downside is the fact you got to be logged in and play online. Caused problems several times when the server went down.
Anyway, trying this game not to perturb much my work, somethign else took care of that =D

Work and sleep deprivation:

Work, not like me drawing, but like on the house. We ll have to do some changes in the kitchen, not big ones, but might change a bit the heat system and  the plumbing, as this is an old house. It's ok money wise, it's on the owner's charge. But long story short, we discovered the internal structure of our water heater is actually crumbling, tiny bits of metalfrom the inside were blocking the pipe of our shower, it's how we noticed. It might become dangerous, so the owner acted directly and tomorow got a plumber coming to  look at it and give us the price of the whole intervention.
Might bust a bit the begining of my week. And for the second problem, i was hit by a bad case of insomnia recently. The "get in the bed and stay awake for hours but too wasted to do anything when wolking up", type.
not a big deal, but it's clearly making me less accurate when i draw. I'll see if it stay longer, but if next week it didn't resolved itself i'll just go ask my doctor for some meds to help me sleep. That's a bit why been so hectic recently, hard to focus.

That said not a lot more to babble so i'll take my leave

Thanks for reading this far, and c ya soon!


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