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I'm late, let's start


So, almost finished the long due january rewards, and started a few other stuff this week!
Taking my time on a couple big commission while still finishing the rewards. Wanna go back and finish the tau things too.
April i wann do the february, start the march and be done with the lateness, once up to date to this gonna be time to finish all past monthly sketch due and finaly, FREE XD.
I'll try to get back to a "one pic done per day" now. Working on comms bigger stuff while finishing a tiny sketch of one hour or so before.
Should be fun!

Solasta the little rpg

Solasta crown of the magister was a game i had supported on steam before it release, once out tried it a bit but wasn't finished so let it slide and kinda forgot.
Went back recently. So what is it? It's a CRpg, think baldur's gate games.
System is literally D&D5edition.
You create 4 characters, choose a bit of background and you're tossed into the world.
And here comes first weird thing, half the class exist and not all races, all of the other classes and races are locked behind DLC, and if i understand, small studio and all, still.. a bit weird. It's ok you create your boys and the campaign start, you're paid by a council of several countries to investigate a border fort that went silent for a week or so. You go there, there's goblin all around, youclean the pest undercover survivors, they tell you "Soraks are around" Shapeshifter malefic lizardmen. Basicly it's your usal complotist lizardmen but in DnD. Supposed to be only a drunktard tale, but no they're real and don't wanna be discovered, so they try to murder you. You escape, but council don't believe you, so back to the frontier, get a Sorak head as proof. On the way you find a magic crown, one of your party ll pick it, and start feeling weird, having visions and all, so council send you learn more etc etc
The positive:
game is solid, a couple tiny bug, but mechnic wise, quite good. Even some funny cool ideas, like a guild of looters that goes on map you visited for you gather the tiny loot you don't cary cause too heavy and resell it for 50% of it price.
The travel mechanic is kinda cool, you really feel how it takes DAYS to your characters to go anywhere

The negative:
Game is short, really short, 25/30 hours to finish it all, side quest included. Max level was 10, pushed to 12 with updates.
And there's quasi no RP in it. You can talk only to like 15 npc in the whole game, like not in cinematic or interaction, like peoples you go to talk, and exept one or two line they never have lore to give. All interactions are or dice roll to see if you can sweet talks, or sell/buy stuff.
You know, some peoples play DnD only for the system, they don't care for the RP, for the background, they go point A to point B, get angry when you decide to spend time talking to a bartender or anything. They're just in for the roll and system. That's what this game make you play as :/
Your characters are barely customizable, and game feelsa bit empty because of it
I spent a good time in it, was pleasant most of time but.. will i ever replay it? No, no need, there's no side stories, no "oh if i had took this decision?"
Good game if you wanna play a c rpg, but just that, a OK game with not a lot more for it

Last note on cofee:

Bought a new brand recently, last month i made more than EVER in my artist life, 1k in one month! Never happened before! And that's because of the support you guys give me^^
So i just went do some groceries, and bought a bit better product for once, stuff i always cut cause, well,you're broke, so try not to spend much.
Bought myself a brand that propose cofee with chesnut aroma. Taste wonderfull!
Can't stop drinkin it =D Taking care tough, cofee can be hurtfull if too much, so i restrain to 2 to 3 cup a day max.
All to say, thanks you guys!

that's all for now

thanks for reading this far

and c ya soon!


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