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EDIT : changed the bg a bit darker (had forgot to put itback at opacity 100%)

changed the eyes of AD on second and 6th panel, mouth on second and added a little gulp effect on the ask of the client on ada deepthroat panel.

A really LONG LONG LONG due commission!

I hope the client ll like it. Worked a bit more on the tecturing, took me time cause i'm not well used to how make it work on CSP yet

but i think i get a few thing with this one!

Hope everyone ll enjoy iy!

The project changed several time, at my own discretion, efter month of due date, wanted the client to feel like it was worth the wait, so restarted it several time!

Yeah not clever.. but i never said i was an intelligent fellow!

Anyway, worked on this 10h today, so, time for a break!




That's a lotta roughs