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hoy! let's start!


Getting better! Drew stuff, almost done with november,might finish it this week! Then 2 comms long due, then more reward !
If i can i would like to finish december before march too. So in march gotta have only january, february, and all due long due big rewards from the past... aah.
And that's all
Another reason is, in Mach, got 36, the 3 exactly. And want to go see my family for a few days if i can, see the nephew, sister, mother, etc. Last year i could see them only  twice in the year, and one of them was for a funeral :/
if i can manage to go at least every 4 month would be perfect!
It's a bit that thinking that finally get me out of the art block "finish this, you got time to go see the whole clan"
Anyway, this week, finishing November and attacking comms if i got time!

Barely Working:

DPMaker team, the peoples behing queen brothel, made a new game that.. i actually enjoy a lot.
it's short, simple, and fun. and.. the thematic might please you.
Resume of the game
You play as the Office Slut. You spent last week Gangbanging your coworkers in the male toilet of this floor, each guy come to empty their balls, often not even asking, they know you're gonna say yes anyway, just coming, bending you and shoving it.
Problem.. your boss want you to finish this file today, it's your last chance!
So how is it gameplay wise?
Simple, the day is 10m30s real time. You got a bar that represent how focus on your work you are.
Full,  you work fast, in 1 minute, you do like 15% of the job done! Half, it's 7.5, etc etc.
Out of that you can, remove your skirt, or top, each take a few seconds! But when you're naked you're a bit.. less focussed, normal, you're naked at work, exciting!
If someone come at your desk to empty their balls, you can or keep working, and they ll take longer to finish, and you'll slowly loose focus on your work as they do their things.
You can click on "stop working" to spend 100% of your attention on them. Yes you don't work, but you finish them faster. And yes, them. because you're popular, and if you don't finish it, they might form  a line! Keeping you longer away from your file! Your coworker often send you messages also, and depending of answers you might have more coming seeing you, think fast!
Also each guy seems to have his favorite. handjob, blowjob, titjob, anal, vaginal. Depending of what clothes you got on, if you focus on them or not, it ll change what they want to do. They finish faster if you go for their fav part!
So the game is basicly a management thing.
Graphics and state of the game
Also, the graphics ain't finish yet. The draw are only sketches, but the game got sound and is translated in several countries. They might change the images to little animations, or not, i dunno about this. But wouldn't be that much of a surprise that they thinked about it.
Who know, if it's popular they might add new mechanics. New days of works, new characters? etc etc
Why i liked it?
First the mechanics are cool and unusual, and fun. The game is quite short.The art, even if only sketch are actually good! And if you remember my goblins, you might know i got a soft spot for company themed lewds!
Might do a CYOA about Gily at her normal day of works taking inspiration from that one day X)
Find more about the game on their patreons!

Oh btw, funny little trivia, several years ago DP had approached me to draw for their games, but tbh wasn't in my best shape and didn't produce anything good, so we didn't worked in the end. But heh, no big deal, and lvled up since then!

That's about it

Thanks for reading this far and c ya soon!


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