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Hoy, i'm late once again but here we are here we go


The planned things is, advance comms and doing sketches. Basicly i'll mix advancing on some comms i got (reason i didn't opened comm in january is that peoples came to ambush me before i did, and they were asking for YEARS (literaly) so they had their slots filled. Got 3 comms to do, started 2 , and between i'll advance on the smaller patreon reward sketches of november.
My goals for february is finish the comm started, and at least November AND December patreon rewards.
So, let's start this! 100% sure this time it ll work! Don't see why i wouldn't manage to live to my own expectations for once!

The change is done:

Erased old roles, and several peoples leved after that.. i won't lie, all of this adventure built a serious case of guilt and stress in me.
Guilt upon seeing old followers not able to continue. And stress cause, i always fear to not do good enough. And it often block me there.
I'll try to go other that in the future.. but not sure i can, it's kinda part of my identity now. And i mean, an artist with anxiety?
Call it Tuesday!

game streaming?

Been wondering about stream some of my games. Maybe not on a site like twitch. but at least on the discord.
And  maybe do it with a game we might like all together.
I'm questioning myself about it, no promise i would tough, but, might be fun! I started an inquiry about it on the discord, so if you wanna give your advice, go there and give it to me!
Speaking of streaming, i finaly set everything to do some drawing streaming once again, on picarto!
So here is my picarto page, you can go and watch me there if interested: https://picarto.tv/darkminou
Account is free, and it would notify you when i start one new live.

Thanks for reading this far
And c ya soon!


James P

Thanks for all the hard work!