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Here we are, here we go!


2/5 of the HQ draw, i'll try to do 1 draw day this week. And take a break in wednesday. Then, working on  the next CYOA (remember you can vote HERE for the next one) And monthly sketch 31. Already decided to change it a bit, was supposed to be Gnarby and a voted character, but the number 2and 3 were cool too so.. Decided to up the game, will be Gnarby, Skelette AND Gily with respective Number 1 2 and 3 of the vote! So bigger, better, uncut!

The bad back:

My position is terrible, but it became worse recently, tbh my chair don't help. I have the bad habit to sit on the front of the sit only when i play game, and over time, the whole sit part kinda started to bend a bit. And now, well, it's not straigh anymore, so when i sit into it, i kinda sag, and most of my weight end on my shoulder and neck. Like a fat whale D=
I know, bad habits, and recently, well working long hours is cool, but often end with sore neck and shoulder.
Could be the cold too, won't tell the whole story, but when i was a kid, used to do Judo, and in a competition did a bad fall, and ended with a stiff neck and 1 years off the sport because of it. Since then, every winter, the neck stiffen a bit with the coming cold. So tense muscle and bad pose make my end day difficult.
It's ok, most of time i stand, walk a bit, and massage my shoulder, and it get away, still, papa gonna need to muscle all of this in the future! And correct it position.


It's here tomorow, 16h towait
DAMN, i won't file to you guys, gonna woke early, work hard all to be sure i'm done when it's released and certainly cut internet and spend 6 h in a row into it!
Not even joking XD
Gonna dig... dig... dig... till i dig TOO deep!

That's about it, thanks for reading this far and for the support!

C ya soon guys!


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