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Here we are, here we go


Started the september sketches, got a bit of administrative stuff to do irl this monday. Nothing dire, but a service i was dealing with changed administration, from national to regional, or something like that, not sure i get it all. And I decided to go visit them this morning to see what was actually happening.
All done, ll draw a bit this afternoon.
That done, i ll work on an idea i got for some time, gonna be a quick sketch CYOA, i don't want to give more details, just that it ll released this week if i manage it well!
And it's all for that part.


Had a concert yesterday, the HU, big one, wonderfull vocals. If you dunno them, they're a folk metal mongolian group, with strong emphasis on traditional violin and throat singing into their prods! I'm a HUGE fan!
Ended with my voice broke and some pain in my lower back, the problem of metal live, your body might not get perfectly well after!
But it was clearly worth it. The live started with a sound that was kinda meh if i may say. The voices and guitar mixed too much and we loosed most of the harmonic of the violin they used.
but after second song the crew of the club managed to tune it better and rest of the live was amazing quality!
Might go back there to watch Apocaliptyca in february!

The spleen

First, i want to thnks all of you that were there and had a kind word when my relative died earlier this month.
It had been kind of you, and most had patience and kind word to show to me.
Now, i'm feeling well. I still got grief, it's normal, it's recent. But mostly thinking, life death, good and bad moments. My future, etc etc.
To be honest, i'm happy with my job. I like to be able to live of it. If life let me do it, i think i would love to continue this path.
I mean, sometimes event out of your control happen, so, out of that, i think i'll keep doing this for long time.
So, if in 20 years i'm still at it, know it guys, would be because everyone of you believed in me!
Thanks for that too!

That's about it!

Thanks for reading this far

and c ya soon!


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