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I won't lie, the month of October 2022 won't be the best one of my life.
Had a begining of Carpal syndrom for the first half, broke the pen of my Huion for the other half.. and on the end had personal loss

Yeah. not a happy one

Still, life continue. It leaved me with more due work than when i started it, and it's not a pleasant surprise.
but at least it give me somthing to focus on.

ANYWAY, out of that it's weekly talk 200.
And we're still up and running!

To celebrate, i had proposed you guys to ask me any questions you wanted, and that i would answer. So let's do that

just before, some questions were quite closed, so i often mixed them together to give one comon answer. Voila


What Made you want to start Art?

It's a bit funny, cause it came late.
At middle school i was part of a comics drawing club, but a tragedy occured into the second year, one of the members drowned in a local river. Kinda break the spirit, as we were a close group. And at that time, the art teacher of the school was in depression for 4 years so, barelly no art class ever.
Later, at Highschool, at one point i had to pick an optional class. Had choices between english and Art. And back then i sucked in english.. well more than i do now at least!
So i picked art. I remember that most peoples told me i wouldn't make it cause "you have no talent in art" It's true. I had no talent, but i'm stubborn, so i worked my way in. Found a girlfriend that was an artist, etc etc.
So you can see it's mostly that i ended up there by mistake, but also because of the peoples around me. I liked what my pal of then were able to make, and i deeply wanted to be as good as that, so i drawn till i was able to.

What’s your favorite thing to draw when you’re kinda lacking motivation or don’t have any specific ideas?

Faces. I do enjoy to draw faces, make expressions, or silly small drawing. Drawing call drawing, when you're in it come naturally. But when even after a moment it don't come, maybe it's just that it's not a good day. Often in those condition i go out, walk around, or do something like administrative works.
But Yeah i would scribble in my sketchbook. It's actually FULL of random tiny scribble there and there

What do you use for inspiration when the well runs dry ?

I actually love to go see what other artist do.
Often when I'm looking at someone else stuff I'm like "MAN, gotto try that" or "aaaw i need to give my own twist on that".
So, often when i'm out of ideas for a thing, i go see 5 or 6 differents guys and how they worked on such scene, or something even completely different, and most time it pop the idea in for me.

Do you notice anything different in how you think of drawing an extreme fetish piece versus a more vanilla piece?

Not really to be honest. Most of time it's more a game of "try to find the best angle" or the best way to render it.
Sometime it ask works to try, change, redraw some parts. But whatever it is, in the end it's the same process, put the line on the paper.
So, on the way i think it.. not really.
If you mean, do I have second tough about some subject? Yes, sometimes, some make me bug a bit, mostly when it's fetish i don't have myself. Like i really don't like feet stuff. It's gross for me. So for such things i mostly go auto pilot, go see what others do, and do something close XD

What do you want to draw but never had? Maybe same answer but what commission would you love to take but never been offered?

For the never had, i would say some serious comics, maybe even not with lewdies inside. Just to try. Like a sister of battle fightings orcs, and no lewdies in, just the fight, the slaughter etc etc. A good ol battle scene.
That could be interesting, never tried it.

Goth girls?

Of course!

What would you say, art-wise, that you specialize in?

I would say stylized art. I don't go to realistic, even if i try to keep the bodies proportions as close as i can. But yeah clearly in the stylized vibe. And for the part of the bodies, i would say the faces.
It's also why i find it so frustrating to draw full face mask. Can be fun, but kinda take away some of the fun for me.

What type of art/theme do you find the most enjoyable to create?

I would say funny and lewdie. Like the one kinky but funny. I like when it's sexy, but also crack a smile on your face.
Out of that i kinda looove drawing oral actions.
Focus on the face only and stuff like that.

Was there a moment where you trained in a new way/experimented with a new technique and saw the quality of your art noticably improve?

It was when i posted the least on the internet in the last 10 years. When i trained to become an art teacher.
In France you got to pass a state exam, and, over time they noticed that if they only picked peoples with good theorical knowledge but sucked at drawing, well.. didn't worked fine, as the teach couldn't do the half they asked the childs :/
So they started to make some art related test. Was about making the best of a subject, with two references that were mandatory, you had to use them in way or another.
Basicly, my teacher used to tell us to think of it as a visual thesis. That would give us all the elements, and made us see the way you tough of the problems.
This formation kinda changed the way i looked at art, it made me more question the things i do.
Like, how i make a picture, is it relevant, how to get the best of the few i got to use as reference.
Also we had some intense course on body anatomy (i was ok tier)  and  painting (i sucked)
It's also the teacher that gave me the best advice in art in my life. He used to make us all put our art on the wall, and go from one to the other saying "this is problematic, this is the issue" etc etc. And relate to each others, like "You did great here, and sucked here, and you otherwise did the opposite, so take lesson of each others"
Was rough, but efficient! And once he came and said "this one, it's clearly not the best on technical level, but it's the best of all still" about my painting.
He explained that i had fun while doing it, he could feel it, it was there, the way i drew it, the care i took in. It was fun for me to do it, and instantly it gave it a warmth the other didn't had.
So basicly, try to have fun in your work. It is an actual bonu to the picture.
And since then i tried to make it true!

Do you have a character that you really emphasise with or that represent you in your drawing ?

Oh yeah, the Minou
i mean the minou in Darkminou
Draw him there and there. And use it head as symbol.
Funny enough, like it cause it's mo polar opposite. Small and frail when i'm tall and broad.
Still, easy to draw, and i like haw much expression i can milk out of those big white eyes.

Here it is

Thanks for your support.
Been a rough month. Got work on my shoulder...

and a funeral to attend prior to that

i'll be back soon with mre drawing!
C ya!


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