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Before all, i want to announce that next Weekly talk, the number 200

ll be a big Q/a

Ask anything!
if the subject make me.. well, un ease i'll just skip it, or tell why i prefer to not answer.
So, don't hesiatete!
Many patreons already proposed questions on the patreon's discord.
But i wanted to give it a go to peoples that don't use it that much. So if you got a question you want to ask, please drop it as comment on this message!
I'll answer all next week then!

That said, let's go!

2 drawing in a week, august reward not done yet.. well kinda blew up in the air. Reason is mostly, i had some pen issue, and waiting for replacement..that didn't changed much, i was like "ok let's wait for replacement to work" so i slacked a bit :/
Not proud of me tbh.
That said, didn't worked, so i worked over the week end, to change settings and modify stuff to accomodate on the new pen i gotta use.
Works better now. So ll work on higher pace in this week to try to catch a bit of all of this.
We're far from the "i"'ll finish all august reward in the 15th october" am i right?
So, trying to finish as much, I just want to stop bashing my head. Clear mind, focus on drawing, do as much as i can, as fast as i can, and don't worry about the rest
it's what i plan to do in the coming two weeks!


I kinda liked how i evolved on the light work.
Was my weak point, and if it is still to work, making a shit tons of mistake there and there. It is clearly better.
So for next pictures i want to get back to another weak point. Simplification.
By that i don't mean cutting quality, more, i want to be able to do stuff like Rizdraw  Kajin-man or Knuxxy does. (warning, those are NSFW accounts)
I mean simple, more cellshaded. Convey lights or shades with few strokes, and still looking good!
And believe it or not, it's actually quite hard!
So, it's a bit my target for incoming months now. I wanna learn that!

A knock on the wrong door.

I re"watched" Stellaris invicta season one recently, and damn.. that's a good one!
For those who dunno it. The Templi Institute Youtube channel, made back then a custom stellaris game. Chat and patreons could vote on some decisions, like "do we declare this war" or "do we integrate this alien specied into our empire?"
And it was rather good!
The whole plot is based around an alien invasion of Earth. It's not a big big one, but the difference of tech, make that even at 1 vs 100, humanity struggle. When we finally manage to win, planet is in a sorry state, and it take generations to build back, but humanity united behind this into the GTU (greater Terran union).
Whoever came to attack us, we ll seek, whoever tried to exterminate us ll see our might burn them. And soon the galaxy ll learned, that they'd knocked on the wrong door!
It's audio stuff, and quite cool!
Season 2 is good too, but clearly not at the same level of efficience i think, on a personal level. Anyway i highly suggest you to find it. It's a good thing to hear!

That's about it!

Thanks for readin this far, and c ya soon!


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