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So quick head up, what is lord of game?

Well, i like to play games, and sometimes, i like to talk about games!

So when i do a campaign, or a game i liked, i'll tell my experience, or resume the game, do a small critic, it will depend of the game!

Once done, i'll propose a vote, for a Naughty pic out of it!

This way i'll draw stuff i wanna do, about games i like, And you get to participate!

This time:Total war Warhammer 3 - Immortal Empire - Dwarf campaign- short one - difficulty : Very hard

Story begin with the Dwarf King THORGRIM GRUDGEBEARER waking up at is fortress of Karak a Karak, to discover that goblins are literally SWARMING up North, Orc are swating other dwarf kingdoms on the west and even Upper north. Ogres are raiding human allies on southwest, and skaven are in every other directions...

Add to that that you got hundreds of Grumpy old dwarves banging your door to ask you what you're gonna do for all of those issues?!

First, equip his Gromrill underwears, second take the biggest axe he can find in the armory, then sit his ass on his walking throne.... i mean, it's a throne and 4 muscular dwarves lift it and walk to combat like this..it's a walking throne!

After kicking all green asses out of his starting province, Thorgrim discovered a fucking 10m tall spider in his garden, with a goblin "king" (mean he scream louder than the other goblin around) Skarsnik sitting on top of it.
Good things with Arachnorock spiders (cause it was one!), they got 8 giant legs looking like threes! Why is it a good thing?... i got an axe!
No Spider later we had taken back Mount Gumbad! Just in time to get out frist waaaagh from savage orcs from the west!
Recruited a new army to defend Karak a Karak while Throgrim went south, to kick some skaven's ass and take back several fortress in the middle, easing a bit the grudges of his ancestors.

From that point, the campaign was quite simple. Sit on the nearest weakest point with an army, wait for orcs/ogre/skaven to attack, kick them in the teeth, then while they're weak take one of their fortress.
Problem with dwarves, they don't reproduce quickly!
First, they got 1female for 3 males...not a good ratio!
Second, montain are full of weak Goblin girls, weak from the muscle, and weak for Dwarf dongs! They raid the country for fresh Dwarves male underwear! So Dwarves spend alltheir time banging goblins instead of their wives!
(i know there's no female goblin in warhammer, but goddamit if i want to draw female goblins no one gonna stand between me and those cute green butts!)

All to say, fortress don't grow fast, and it's a LOOOONG time to get higher level buildings and therefore weapons and equipment out of new generation of ingeneer.
So baby steps as you are loosing the weapon race and all your ennemy become stronger and send you waves and waves of trolls and ratling gunners!

But after weeks of harassing fight, attacked from all sides, FINALY, finished the green menace West!.... to discover wood elves were pissed at me for reasons (i mean, who would have tough that walking, talking, pleading for it life, three had a soul and friend? And goddamit needed some wood for the furnace and weapons!)

Tyrion, king of the wood elves went to my left side, passing through the little sea there, raiding several of my cities (one) before i found them grab them and show them that, shooting with a bow is cool!
Napalm canon, able to throw high explosive and inflamable projectile at 300 feet is better!
Plus living threes burn well (as my furnace can tell!)

Let's say it was a short lived invasion of the lettuce eaters!
That done, my eyes were focussed SOUTH, to the Clan mors and it skaven menace!... that was actually short lived, because of .... a friendly dragon riding elve?
Well, let's say he was broke, bullied by skavens, and asking for help. So i laughed a bit, but sent him some reinforcement and help.
He sent me several hungry knife ear sluts to repay the service.... and well... not against it are we?
I mean, we don't like elves, but like to talk to elves... when they shut up they're quite good looking to see!

And that was by helping them that i finally finished the short campaign. Could have continue, but would have mean taking control of ALL mountain west, and finishing the vampire menace that had taken over half the empire.. And.. let's say i feel OTHER calling!

So what ll the picture be?

The vote is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/71245458


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