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I think I'll finish the monthly sketch 30 along the week. Priority ll be to advance on the July reward, first, but basicly I'll sketch it between 2 rewards.
I'll also draw a bit of Goblin things for me. Reached 16k on twitter (or almost) and sound like a good excuse to bring back Gobi's ass =D
The cutest bum of all the Gobbo girls!


Recently someone from our French part of my community asked me if I could translate my weekly talk in French, each week

And answer is no, mostly cause it's just a side pleasure i give myself. It helps me to have a more healthy rythm of work, it's why I keep at it. But, if you want to translate it into the message below, be my guest. But it's not a call for a job, just if you feel like doing it, feel free to. But to be honest, with all the nonsense shit i say here, don't see why it would be interesting XD

Donc non, désolé =/ Ca prendrait trop de temps pour ce que c'est, c'est surtout du temps pour mon plaisir perso, communiquer un peu, le traduire chaque semaine, ce serait en faire un truc de plus a faire Pour le patreon, une charge de plus a faire, relou!

patreon age verification:

Patreon sent me a mail to tell me they want to verify i'm over 18+.. tbh, been on the site for 10 years, so even if i had just learned to read and open a site at that time, i would certainly be pretty close to it now.
but joke aside, it's something asked by governments, so i get why they have to.
Saw many peoples complaining, saying they ll shut down. I wont.
Mostly cause, well, it's my best source of income, out of commission.
So if you see others going out of patreon, or cancelling their pledge, won't be my case.
Will see how it turn anyway.
Nothing in the mail said they ll come and ask you folks to proove your age, but, well, you pay,using credit card or stuff, so i guess they take it as a proof of you being big boys and girls!

That's about it!

Thanks for reading this far

and c ya soon!


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