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Hooy everyone!

Sorry for forgeting the Weekly talk, I was sure i had made one this monday already X)



Well i ddidn't finished all i wanted last week. Mostly cause, i was finaly out of the post covid isolation, when you're supposed to avoid contact as much as possible to not contaminate folks around, and therefore, wanted to go out see friends and peoples again X)
Sorry for that. So this week, finishing the rest of the June  patreon reward, and some other due stuff, i think it ll continue to next week first days. Then I attacjk the JULY reward and once it's done, finishing the Old still due stacked patreon reward and FINALY i'll have done everything due.
Can't wait tbh. Once done i'll certainly take comms again!
But if i calculated well, don't expect this before September! :/
Might still take one or two quick comm this end of the month, because i could use some spare money i think, need to change my phone. I got some economy, but if i can avoid taking into it, would be nice! X)

The mist:

Some years before i had pledged this little indie H Game made by a guy, whose nickname was 395Games. Was a little sort of gestion/management game, with some custom 3d made on blender. The style was actually quite unique, and the animation quite good!
So i pledged it, was among the first. Later he decided to end his first game, was mostly cause the mechanics were cramped, and now he had a better vision of what he wanted.
His next game was MIST.
I actually decided to wait to play it. Had to cancel my pledge for money reason for a long time, and recently i get back and could play MIST, now that it's almost done.
TBH it's finished, the plot is actually finished, what is missing is the epilogue. Like what happen to the character once the plot end. Aaaand i don't lie.. most of time if you don't join porn game for the plot, this one i liked!

THE PLOT (spoiler free) :

You're a quite young lad, ended college already, doing small jobs there and there. But recently a bad news happened, your grandfather passed away.
He was, with your sister, the only family that remained, and as your sis and you didn't saw for a couple of years, the news hit hard.
All he left was his lodge in the mountain. A small wooden cabin he built by himself. No real electricity, a fireplace, two bedrooms, the minimum of confort, but really the minimum. Still, it's yours now, and been like  since you were 3 years old that you didn't went there.

Game start when you reach the place. Weird thing, as you drive you notice a THICC fog started to envelop the whole valley behind you, but the lodge is high in the mountain, and seem the Mist don't go that far. You explore a bit... and sudddenly hear screams outside.
There's a girl attacked by a sort of.. shadow of a man. Red glowing eyes, body like compact thicc fogs in a shape of a man. You intervene and manage to kick it away from the girl and get in the security of your lodge with the girl.
Once sure it didn't try to enter you both share names. She is Robin, she was in holiday and decided to do some solo camping in the area, as there's a lake to fish, and the place isn't that far from a nearby city. The fog was.. weird and she started to notice quickly bunch of red glowing eye creatures, animals and humanoids around her camp in the minutes after the mist arise.. so she took the intelligent decision to run the hell out. She had heard your car pass nearby some minutes ago and decided to follow this direction, and.. here she is.

Quickly you both notice the Radios stop emiting, and that the city lights are all gone at night. That weird glowing flowers start to bloom all around. And that everything that is plant, in the mist, thrive. Like soon nearby structure are covered in plants, like if decades had pass in a night or two.
And worse, you're two, and the cabin don't got much food stocked there, exept a few old cans. So you'll have to go out, in the mist, gather food. Explore the areas, discover what is this Mist, and maybe find more survivors.

Aaand the rest is for you to discover

The plot is actually one of the good point of the game, and kept me exploring around. There's several twist, but better, the plot make sense and the gameplay too. Often in HGames there's THE WAY to do it, and no other, miss a step and you break the game.
A shit tons of them are barelly playable if you don't open the walkthrough all the time. And it's actually something i don't like.
Here, non of this, there's adventure, there"s some enigma, but it's always quite organic. If you got to go somewhere new, peoples ll tell you, your journal ll point the general area, but it's not a game of searching everywhere for THIS thing you might have missed. Never been stuck there, or felt trapped and had to look a walkthrough or ask question in the discord to get help.

Also, the characters are the best part. There's 4 girls.. it's a Harem game after all, and most are cool. Some are a bit cliche, but each always got this little element of life that make them stand out in their personality.
At no moment there i had this feeling of certain game of "this character act like a douch for no other reason that to push the plot in THAT direction"
Robin is a bit ankward girl, but it's mostly the fact she can get quickly excited by new stuff and forgot social distancing then.
Mia is a brat and quite clever, but she live under some nasty trauma after she witnessed what those shadow peoples do when they grab a living being.
Lily seems cold, but it's mostly cause when you meet her, your first encounter don't get well, and she feel herself responsible for harm that happened to you and others.
And for the last girl, it's actually a surprise I prefer to not spill about the plot.

GAMEPLAY wise, what do we have?

It's a mix of visual novel and survival game.
You got to manage your ressource, the more the community grow, the more you are gonna need food per day. When you're two, going into the nearby wood to forrage some mushrooms can work fine, but quickly you'll have to find more reliable way to find food sources. Why not try to raid close house or other lodge on the mountain? Or go fish into the lake for a moment?
With most animals turned into those freaky shadow monster, quite impossible to hunt. So maybe try to grow your food, nature seems to be on steroids as your crops grow to maturity in 3 or 4 days only.
So each days you got to go, explore deeper and deeper, first into the woods, then local constructions, then the city etc etc. Discovering new source of foods or materials, better equipment, etc etc.
Your character start a bit week, with no stamina, you're not used to walk for hours. So you first got to toughen up a bit, learn to fight by taking weak opponents and flee when stronger ennemies arrive. Learn to manage your strengh for keep exploring further.
Once home you can interact with the girls, socialize,  learn to know them, and maybe go further if you feel like it.
But also manage your house, repair the infrastructure, build some defenses, think of the moral of the group, why not try to build a sort of bath? Hygiene is important now that we can't have a good doctor around, to avoid desease and infection. And damn i could kill for a shower after all these days etc etc

All to say, i really enjoyed the game, and now it's almost done i HIGHLY recomand you to go check it on 

the creators patreon: https://www.patreon.com/395games/posts
Or on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1988740

Worth the ride, took me 8 to 10 h to finish it, but i tend to take my time in those games to make food reserve and such, so might differ for you.

Note that the game is free to the public, you give the creator some money if you want to see him continue.
And for my part, my answer is, yes, i wanna see him do more games in the future!


That's about it!

thanks for reading this far

and c ya soon!


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