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Here we are


Finishing the June patreon reward, started two more, only 6 in total to do, so should advance well. Took the Sunday of to clean the place. So i'm good to go, plan to try to do one colour pic per day for the week, let's see if i succeed.
Once those are done i wanna start the next CYOA, the Raven and Starfire one!
So that's about it for the planning for now. Gonna burn the midnight oil this week

The big heat:

Weather is starting to become quite hot around here, i manage mostly cause i lived at night for the last days. How did it happen? Well actually because of the Covid.
When i had my fevers i could do nothing.
Standing 20 minute made me weak, so my days were bed, stand, sofa, stand, bed. And sleeping over and over and over. Sick days yes. So when i started to get better i was like sleeping 20 h a day XD
And it kinda killed my good rythm i had while living with my friends, waking early, and stuff.
I also don't own anything like a cooler. So how i manage is good old way of opening window at night, and close them and curtain at day. Lucky me i got double glass windows, perfect for isolation. So it work quite fine.
But my pc, hell don't like it. It's an old one now, and just letting him on get it quick at 70°
I know, you'll tell me "it's not good for a pc" and i know.. but it's just how it is now, it never get below 65°, and it's in winter. i try to avoid it going as hot as 80°C by using some
house fan on it. But still, i'm a bit crossing finger for it to pass the summer safe XD
Worst case i got enough buck aside to buy a small one, just to draw the time i get enough money if this one burn. Still gotta change it.. So it's why i'm seeing to manage my time better, gotta get those Commissions flow.
Daddy need a new dream machine soon!

Wasteland 3:

Played and finished wasteland 3 recently. Won't lie, part of the reason why is that it's a post apo, but damn for once, in winter, in the ice and the god damn snow storm of Colorado... and damn it's the best thing i could find to refresh myself XD
So quickly to resume, it's the follow up of Wasteland series. Basicly was fallout before fallout. Was the first game of the team, they loosed the right for it, then did fallout 1 and 2, and after Bethesda did buy fallout and the studio when it went bankrupt. Part of the team created a new studio and bought back wasteland. They did wasteland 2 several years ago, and... was OK.
Not as good as fallout 1 or 2 in my opinion, but cool. The 3 work better for me, easier to get into the universe.
SO the universe. Start like a pos apo: world war at the Reagan era, peoples hide or survive like they can and try to rebuild after.
Universe is way less dark than fallout. Peoples actually rebuild stuff, and some actually keep the tech evolving. There's even problem with complex IA and robot in the serie, as one of the big bad evil guy is a sort of Skynet type IA and it terminator like army of scorpion mechs.
You play the rangers. Survivors of law enforcement teams, that try to ensure safety for citizens and peace in the Arizona desert.
In the 3 , bad year happened after you killed your evil opponent IA, and food run low. And you get contacted by Buchanan, the Patriarch. Seems he own Colorado, and he got trouble, of political sort, several of his childs get weary that he didn't pick an heir to his throne, and started revolutions on their sides, so he need someone from outside, just to be sure we're not traitors.
If we do what he want, he will provide food ans ressources to the rangers and the pop of Arizona for this winter. So you move there, and when game open you're ambushed by one of those revolutionary forces, not happy with new players coming to the game.
Game is cool. Still with tons of bugs tough. One that even made me loose 2 of the my fav npc and loose 2 h of save because of it.
But price is now fairly low, and it's worth it. So if you seek some cool CRPG, might be one to look for!

that's about it

thanks for reading this far, and c ya soon!


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