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At first i didn't wanted to draw Snuff, Guro, or hardcore stuff

But i needed the money, and finaly it wasn't so hard to draw, so i did

The thing is, now lot of clients ask for it

One of them is Jewel, whom i work a lot

But i know that all my fans aren't fan or lover of such things


Now i'll put into the tittle, warning, and hint about what ll be the draw, or what i'll talk about

hope it ll be ok with that

Also, the move went good, i'm unpacking, and making all the administrative things that you must do when you move

that's why i don't post a lot recently

Hope to go back to a more regular drawing rythm soon




It's rare to see an artist drawing that kind of stuff so it's normal that you'll get asked to draw these ideas. I'm not a fan of it but, at least, there a bit of bondage in it :p