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Well hello there, let's start.


So we're back, today i'm gonna do a few smaller things, i went with a big piece, wanna do something small before getting back to big iece, i got a few comics page to do, so, prefer to a few smallies before.
I'll finish the whole patreon reward, all system in early June, but at least once done, i'll have closed all the due things, and the ne system ll be on. Allowing me, in theory, more time for other stuff X) And also somethign else, but i'll talk of it more bellow.
That said, Quid of this thirs skelette and big titties series? More info bellow!
Minou out!

Artistic creativity:

For the small third part with Skelette, well, i had a couple of ideas, and told myself i could maybe mix with another patreon reward, but both contender didn't wanted. It's ok, i ll just do something else, but a bit frustrating too X).  As you know, i'm a big cinephile, and even without that, most peoples must know now, the struggle must director have with the studios.
Like the studios asking for something more trustworthy, taking minimum risk. This is logical, they want their investment to be fruitfull. But as an artist, i can see a direct parallel with commissions.
When you get a bit frustrated, on a the creating level, because clients don't want an ideas. It's their right, i'm not mad or angry, i know the game. But it's frustrating non the less. Making me sometimes willing to do the "Zemeckis technique".. Aka lie to the studios XD Hoping the result ll be good enough for them to have to sit and be like "ok we go with that, it's good." I didn't so far, cause i don't have the balls, but the envy is still here XD.
And I don't want to lie, peoples trust is hard to make, and my job is built at 99% on trust. So it's also why i like the idea of the new system. One char, one keyword, nothing else. You got to deal with how i decide to do the thing. I don't have to ask permission to do a thing i want to do beforehand, as long as it follow the keyword given and the character.
It's a bit a trust exercise TBH.
Do you trust me to do the best with your drawing. If the answer is no.. then you can leave. No hard feeling.
If it's yes, rest to see if i'll be good enough to make this trust worthy.
In the end, like a studio to a director, it depend if you believe enough in my vision, to let me have my creative freedom ^^

Nice hollydays preparation:

Kinda happy.  That's the word. Why?
Because i didn't had to plan my hollydays, they planned itself for me XD.
Basicly, a friend came by and be like : " hey remember my parents got this HUGE house near the mediteranean beach?" Was like "yeah we went  a few days several years before"
Well, his parent go for a trip, they proposed him to "guard the house" and he invited us to come, so, 5 days, for free at the beach with 3 friends! Gonna be fun!
Of course, we are all geeks, so gonna be more tabletop and a bit of sand and sea, than sea sex and sun. But still, haappy to have this planned. So in what is it interesting for you folks?
in nothing. Just you got to know i'm happy, and that knowing ill have a good break might make me more productive! I mean i know i'll have some true hollydays, and therefore, true break, so, gotta work to earn it first! XD Gonna be in early July, so it means, i wanna get productive in June =3
Let's do that then!

Thanks for readin this far!
And c ya soon!



For the Zemeckis technique, it came out because of Roger Rabbit movie, in it the studio wanted some specific versions of the characters, like a more recent Daffy Duck version, but the director and his team had specific vision. So they made a fake version with all new models, for the studio to see, and what they wanted to really do on the side. When the studio saw it, it was too late to reshoot, and they had to go with it