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Hoy di ho! A bit late (again) but here we are

Last week.. if you're on the discord, or follow my message on social media, you may have gotten that end of week was rough. Had some pressure on me, and i kinda let it swallow me whole. I get better, i mean, it's not like a cold, i can't take a pill go to bed and get better in one day.
But i feel more at ease at the moment. I'm carefull with my mental state. That said, it slowed me down again and i didn't even finished all sketchs i had to do. Sorry.
This week i got to start working on commissions, just because.. if i don't i'm gonna not be able to pay the rent, and i love the warm of my room ^^
So finishing the patreon sketchs and the monthly sketch due in the next 2 days, then workin on the comics commission pages for at least a full week. The patreon reward due i'll finish them along the first days of March.
That is what i decided. So a bit late for some, but i hop to make it worth it, quality wise.

Ideas to draw:
Often, peoples with rewards are like "man i got no ideas" and stack them. Like one or two of you folks did it for several month and once it stacked to a full comics. Many just don't got ideas.
On my part i got a lot,with  my OC often, that i don't have time to do.
So, on the discord made a list of all the ideas i got and want to draw. i'll make it evolve and change it often as my envy changes, or i got new ideas.
If you want a piece of me, but don't know WHAT, go take a look, you might get one that interest you, who know?

Orc massage:
So, tested the game, it's on steam, it's a ero-game where you play an Orc, opening a massage parlor. You'll get several clients, including an elf girl, an harpy and a half tiger cop.
All three you gotta massage their bodies out of all those sore point of tension and stress.
Over and over, the girl ll come back, and let you go further into the massage, till you end massaging.. other type of tensions. With time the girl ll ger more and more confortable, first coming almos full clothed, then loosing the clothes, till she let you play with her naked body as you wish for.

The Gameplay:

Each massage separate in different parts. First part you massage the sore points on the girl body, or with ample gesture (taking many point at once) or with smaller located frictions. Be carefull to not "over massage" a part already done, or you risk to tangle the muscle here!
Second part is you just rubbing and giving some warmth on specific zone, find 3 zone hidden over the gir body.
Third is.. intimate massage, find the girl "weak" points, and massage it till pleasure happen.
Then fourht is sex scene, enjoy! The more you know the girl, the hotter the scene
The bad first: tutorial is shity as fuck, explain you quasi nothing. Was quite frustrating, i didn't understood for the first massages, but it clicked quite fast, mostly cause the gameplay is quite instinctive when you get the way it work.

Game still got many flaw, i didn't encountered bugs, but some had it seems, and big ones, crashing the game and steam in the process for exemple.
One of the biggest flaws i saw seems more like lack of gameplay test from the team. Like The harpy at second phase massage might get nearly impossible, just cause her wing get in the  way of your massage and as you can't move camera at this stage, make it impossible to ticckle the good zone. It's small stuff like that, but when you fail,not because of a mistake, but because the game get litteraly in your way.. it get quite frustrating!
Last bad part, it's needlesly grindy. The girls won't ever pay their massage, your reward is sex scene, wich is ok, but it make you grind for money with minigames on the side. And those are quite grindy,a perfect get you only 200$. You got 3 stat to upgrade, lvl 1 is 100$ then +200$ for each new level. So to reach lvl 3 in all 3 stats, ask you to play perfect 12 times all the mini games. And to be able to massage properly till you get all scene, believe me, it's quite needed to get point in those!

The goods:
The graphism are quite good! The game take a OK toll on your CPU, even mine that isn't that bad but not that good, can make it work at medium setting at 30fps.
The animations are actually great, and all the characters design are good. TBH i really want to draw those girls, at least the elf and the Harpy! And i'm not that much into bird girls most of time!
Really enjoy the small touch, like the pleasure on the faces of characters when you massage a place that was really sore and make it feel better for them. There was some actual work here, and it show!
The sex part is hot, and each girl personality and style show there. The elf take the lead first and let you take more and more of her willingly. The harpy is needy and like it rough. The tiger is more dominating.. etc etc.

(the harpy girl desing)

The "ok" tier parts:

small stories are a bit cliche, and more to introduce the girl, could be more polished. There's voices, but i think it's the same girl voicing the 3 protagonist, not 100% sure here, but seems like, but again, small game.

So, even with the "bugs" and flaws, i'm almost done with all the game content for now, and took me a bit more than 2h, i think extra 40 minute to finish all. So 10$ for 3 h of play for now.
But it's early access, and they promissed to work it more. I'll let some more month to let it flaw, and in 1 year ll hop on it again and see how it went! For now it's a "promising but with flaw" tier. But enjoyable, i don't regret to have buy it at least!

That's about it! Thanks for reading this far!

and c ya soon!


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