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Here we are, here we go


First.. i'm not pride of last week. Yes was working on a big comics, but i think i could have done it faster. I had a few insomnia on the last week and it kinda slowed me down.. To be honnest it's not the first time, and in the long term, gonna have to check that. i'm getting closer to 35yo, not going any younger, not sure i can have such rythm of sleep for more decades and stay healthy.
Don't worry, if it persist, i'll for sure go ask some medical advice to professionals! =)
That said, finished the comics today, got to add the text but waiting for the commissioner answer about it. This week i'll focus on patreon rewards of December, still got a few to do, THEN, i'll immediatly continue with the reward of January, and i'll use the rest of the month (if any) to do the CYOA and some other personal stuff! Quite a road ahead!

R6 extraction

If you're new around, you might not know, but for some times i was a passionate R6 Siege player. most of my friends leaved the games, and it kinda loose it appeals overtime, but i still like it and plan, when i'll get a new PC to go back and see what changed in one year of inactivity.
Back then was impatient for the spin-off, extraction. I Mean, MORE REASONS to draw the R6 waifu (Dokkaebi forever!) And some PVE, could be awesome!
but wait stayed on for years, with no news, and when it came.. wasn't that great.
First demo didn't gave at all envy to play, and it seems Ubi dropped the game. i mean, it's released this month, the 20th.
And quasi nothing said, not that much advertise, the bare minimal. it's supposed to be a TripleA release of the new Team game as service from ubisoft and it's released in mere silence :/
Kinda feel down for this. But , hey, R6Siege was a disaster on release, and rised over the years to become a good game, so, who know, Extraction might do that too! I'll keep an eye on it just in case! If you play it, don't hesistate to come tell me what you thinked of it  =3

B/W sketch future+ experimenting on colours:

I did some test on my side, and i think in a close futur i'll test some new way to do B/W and test some colour technique, like do some cell shading for some times, to test, or some other tricks like that.
I wanna try "minimalism" on that part of a drawing. i mean use of more specific shadows. Mostly to change my repertoire and learn new tricks.
Note that i might not like the result and just erase all to redo the shading from zero. Bit if soon you see some test popping there and there don't be surprised. Might even retake older sketch or art i did, just to test new colours on it.
Testing testing testing. The best way to improve or discover new stuff!

That's about it! 

Thanks for reading this far, 

and c ya soon!


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