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HAPPY New year, to all of those who might have missed the previous vow!

So here we are, here we go


Finaly, last week, took a break. Needed that, and i know i got many stuff ahead to do now, started already.
Planning to finish all due things for the 10 or12 (giving me some days to not cramp up my planning too much)
THEN we start the January reward and new comms!
So in more details, i finish the 2022 pic tonight, then i'll continue the Ada Wong comics sketch cleaning. Tomorow workin on one of the patreon reward, Wednesday the comics continue and if i'm not done with it ll finish it Tuesday. From there workin on 2 more patreon reward. And it leave me with my Sunday free and just for .. well, having a Sunday. i'll try that this year, not working on Sunday. So if you come to talk of work the Sunday, don't be surprise if i don't answer you till monday =)
I've been pushing my mental state all past year between working too much and then being unable to draw for weeks. now i ll just try to take a break like 1 or 1 and an half day a week, like most normal peoples XD
Sound more healthy

Next CYOA:

Been thinking about the next CYOA once i finish the Mavis one. For now i'm crossed between, doing stuff with OC, or once again with  pop cultur characters. I think i might try to do one with OC, then one pop culture, and keep switching. But might do two of a tye in a row if good ideas come!
For now got several ideas, question is, wich one to make.
problem is, sometimes an idea "sound" good, but then you block a "what to do next" and it kinda block you. Hit that wall enough in the past to know it :/
For exemple "A sister of Battle is taken by Ork" seems ok and fun for lewd stuff, but what then? Each episode would be more like "and now they fuck" and .. kinda boring. more interesting to propose different scenario, that the appeal of CYOA.
So i'll give it more think, and tell you guys when i'm decided =)

Style change:

Recently i noticed that i started to take more time doing my "sketch colours" and reason is.. it's not sketch colours anymore :/
i literally put into it the level of polis i would a full colour render... and it's why it take a Hell of time to do.
So i'll try to get back more "simple" for them now. Just to be able to do them in time XD
That said, i think i'll try to rework a bit the way i work B/W too, not sure how but might try to emulate the way the Dojin artist Pija does it. Really love how he work his B/W
Just noticing it, cause been thinking a lot about it recently

That's about it!
Thanks you for reading this far

and c ya soon!


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