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Merry Christmas to you all! (one day ahead)

So little Head up, i'll go a few days to my family, and then, won't post much around here for the time present!

For the 24th, Santa came to my home to gift me with a broken pen for my tablet making me unable to use it to draw =D

I already bought a replacement, but i'll re instal my good ol cintiq when i get back, the time it deliver the pen.
So should be back to work next week!
I just wanted to wish you all the best!
It can be a period when some of us stay alone for the festivities, almost happened to me this year. I just want you if it's your case, to wish you a merry christmas. i wouldn't be able to go see my family if it weren't to you guys. So thanks you all!

You re the best community!

C ya soon!


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