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Hoy peoples! Christmas time!

Well i almost made all i wanted, almost, got one final comics for christmas, i started it gonna do the line/sketch today.  In total i have left 1 char design, 3 colored sketchs 3 sketches to do + 2 one page comics that i both started. All of that to finish before i start again commissions.. might sound like a lot, but i think i can do the 3 colored sketches in a day each and the 3 sketches in two. So one week might be enough to finish most.
Anyway Here is Christmas, and i'll go for a few days to my family. So Thursday i go, gonna be back Sunday. Next week i work on the patreon rewards and work left, and early january the 2 comics pages due. Then we will get back to the combo, patreon reward and Commissions!
I really think i can make it with a bit of will, just need to not overdue myself and start breakin on the moral side!
Anyway, Merry Christmas to all of you folks!

Spiderman No Way Home:

First, no spoilers, i promise!
Saw the movie in local Cinema, what to say about it? Liked it. Was quite Fan service, but in the good way may i say. Funny, first time i remember hearing a whole cinema Cheers at the screen... maybe second, first may have been when captain america hold Mjolnir in Endgame, but i'm not 100% of my memory here.
Anyway, was fun!
bring a buddy that had it rough recently, lot of problems on his arms in the end of the year He isn't a Marvel fan at all, but he liked it. So If you're feeling a bit bad, or just want to change your mind, go take it a look!

Last word for Christmas:

In the last years, i couldn't buy many things for my family. Aimed for quite cheap things and to maximize the effect. Was mostly cause i was broke.
i know a gift value don't count that much, but sometimes you wanna gift something of quality, even more when it's a drinkable or eatable gift ^^ (cause yes, a really expensive  whisky is a fair gift for many peoples! X) )
anyway, all to say, this year i might overdue, but it's mostly cause you folks gave me enough money to do so by supporting me!
It made me able to gift nice things to my loved ones, and it mean a lot!
Thanks you all!
So i wish you all a merry christmas! Or equivalant in your culture/religion. And if no equivalant, just a Merry week!

thanks for reading this far

and c ya soon!


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