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Here we are here we go!

WELL Avanced well last week, got to work on the patreon reward this week, finish one big, and do several for christmass! Should be done in the week. In add, don't be surprise if you see more BOOBIES sketch. I'm still dubious with the way i colour big boobies, and i wanna test stuff, so it mean don't be surprised to see some random boobies there and there.
Also ATM i'm writting this, drawing one quick sketch of Gily, cause i missed drawing my girls. So if i finish early some of my stuff, don't be surprise to see some goblin popping around here =D

Teaching is learning:

Recently some other drawer asked me to give them some tips and course about how i draw/colour stuff. And i decided to give it a go. For several reason. First cause i don't believe in keeping the info for you. Second cause they're nice pals! Third cause teaching is learning!
When you teach you gotta explain, put word, mean you gotta think of what you're doing. Noticed that in the past, but my biggest step up was before and after becoming a teacher. had to explain what i was doing to my classes, and it meant think about it, put word, and then rethink it and make it better!
It's while making those that i noticed i wasn't super happy with my big boobies game and decided to teach myself some new tricks! So, i hope you'll see some more improvement in BOOBIES sector soon! =D

Eighties vibes:

Recently i rewatched in the order the Die hard movies... exept the 5th.. i'm not that masochist! And now i'm going back and redoing  the Lethal Weapon!
I kinda like how you can see the evolution of the action movies, from the eighties, a bit gritty, unforgiving. Violent death and quite manichean vilains. To the nineties, with a bit more depht in the vilains background, way more humour, taking it "less seriously" but still quite violent in the end (exept now, no more blood!). To the early 2000 and the try to make the action more and more impressive.
That's quite cool to see those franchise for that. The time travel you got in this cinema.
They announced also a next Lethal Weapon, and... can be fun. Mel Gibson gonna play AND direct it.. and if there's a thing Mel do right in his movies, is  to not shy about violence, or make things go bloody. So.. maybe a get back to the eighties style?
Could be fun! Do You wanna watch it? i do!

Thanks for reading this far!

and c ya soon!


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