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DAMN! forgot the weekly talk yesterday!


Started again, taking my rythm, this week, 2 page of comics about ada wong, and a couple of sketchs, then i ll start the monthly sketches due. Starting with the christmas themed one =)
yeah that's short, but i'm already late =D
So let's get straighforward

Back to the league:

i'm playing LoL again, quite a lot, but not alone, with my roomate. And boy.. we loose a lot. like A LOT! But we're having fun.
TBH never liked playin ranked, just chilling with the buddies, doing shit and laughing at it is perfect. Having fun at it, and quite happy to see you guys are ok with me drawing league of legend girls, cause.. well, kinda in the mood for some Soraka making herself a harem of bitches  =D
Banana power on the wake!

Not that big:

it's... weird. I hit 10k follower on twitter and suddenly a lot of peoples start to talk to me like if i was a biggie, and it's really weird XD.
like friends i used to talk being like "yeah but now you're a big one, thanks for taking time to talk to me" and other shit like that.. it's really really weird.
Maybe because i always only had a small community, once again guys you're the BEST community!
but never seen myself as someone with a big appeal. Just drawin, and being happy peoples are happy with it. All to say, it's a bit weird, and if you're new, and read this, please, really, don't hesitate to come talk to me, if i'm doing nothing i'm always happy to discuss =)

That's a bout it

Thanks for reading this far

and c ya soon!


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