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Hoy peoples

here we are, here we go


That was a bad bad week last one, XD
Well worked on Big things, but was sick  for a few days, but still, not really my best :/ So if i want to be done in time for January, AND take a few days to go see my family this month. I'll have to work double in the coming weeks! So Gonna kick my ass and do my job well =)
Got a few sketch to finish, and a comic page to do, and i still have not advanced on the Mavis CYOA, D=
Damn guys, gotta fight myself  here. Gonna grab that lazy part of me and kick it away with some Judo chop.  This week program: finishing as much things as possible in the shortest time ! Ll try to do at least a draw a day for  the week. Let's see how it goes

Ruined King:

It's a bit my game of the moment.
Basicly it's a RPG in League of Legend universe. Set in the town of Bilgewater, a pirate town, where rejects and free souls from all around the world dump and live with the local natives and their powerfull priests.
Life was good... but in the last decades, a black myst coming from the Shadow isles spread accross the ocean every 3 or 5 years. Bringing undeads and   monsters in it wake.
Last time the habitant of the city barelly survived it, and they tough it was gone for good this time... Seems they were wrong.
The game is a sort of J-rpg, on the mechanic side, you walk around the map, encounter  ennemies, then pass on the battle part of the game and everyone kick the other in the teeth with all the attack then can use.
But the game got a strong 90s comics look, and is quite gorgeous to look at.
And the universe is spread slowly and with efficience if you dunno the lore here. So even if you don't like LoL, if you like RPG a bit old school in the mechanics, might please you!

that's about it, short, but writte it late, and need to go to bed now ^^

Thanks for reading this far

and see ya soon!


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