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Hoy di ho!

Here we are, here we go!

So, advanced on patreon rewards, working on two atm, got a 4 character design that peoples asked as patreon rewards at the same time. So should be finished soon!
Started some sketchbook sketch about the next CYOA episodes, might do it this week, ll try to keep an afternoon to do it. Might be possible i finish the November reward on first days of December tough! That said, don't hesitate to tell me early if you want your reward to be a christmass gift for someone!

The guilt Week end:

Finally took a long 3 days week end, that was clearly needed, and worst is that i keep telling me it's not good. TBH next time i'll do such things i'll just cut me out of internet for a time X)  Mostly cause, even if you peoples don't think anything bad, many come to ask when i'm open for comm, when my reward ll come? hey i got an idea for a draw. And it's often 3 to 5 times a day, and when you wanna chill out of the job, it just add on the guilt. You feel like shit cause you're not working atm when peoples ask for it! I know, you guys never wanted such things, so please, none of you should feel like targeted. But it's still how it feel, and it's why, next time i say "i'm gonna take a break", don't be surprise if i don't answer any message for 2 to 3 days.
Once again, not pointing anyone but me. You guys don't want to just pushy over the edge, i get it, just, it's how i receive it, and to be sure i might be able to really chill and take this bad stress out, might be necessary

Ruined King is out:

An rpg i was waiting for is out, Ruined King, made by Flagship Syndicate, the peoples behind Battle Chaser: Nightwar.
Also it's in LoL setting, a universe i actually genuinely like, so, kinda impatient to play it.
BUT i'll retain myself, i'll play it only once  i finished all reward of the month! Not before!
Kinda small reward for my good work X)
Anyway, if you played it, tell me if it's good, heard there was some bugs, but it was a quite decent game! =)

That's about it, thanks for reading this far, and c ya soon


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